• I use the older version of EZPZ for all my sites and love it. I just upgraded on one of my sites today and noticed ‘manual backup’ did not work. It no longer shows the steps of the backup, and only displays a counter, which stops ~15 seconds. I reactivated it and still no luck. I also completely reinstalled and it and still get the same error. Hope someone can help!


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  • I just updated to the latest version of the plugin (12.01.24) and ran a Background backup. It seemed to work fine. The previous version gave me the same issue as other people have reported when trying to run a manual backup (a blank dashboard page with a timer counting up but nothing actually happening). Hopefully things are back to working now as I’m a little concerned about the reliability of the plugin after this. Thanks.

    studio544, are u sure that backups are really creating?

    I have 12.01.24 installed on WordPress 3.3.1, and when I press “Manual Backup” I see https://daidouji.org/files/1327445701-805×522-19.3K.png but no backups really created – then I click Control Panel and see “No Backups Found – Please do a backup now”. Unix premissions on my site are all set writable by process running apache, so this is not access problem. Is there something wrong with my installation/config of php? Or just a bug in plugin? Never used this plugin before, but it seems to be very helpful and I want to use it.

    P.S. sry for my Engrish ^^

    Just an update that the Dropbox transfer worked fine the past two nights with the scheduled backup, so the one that didn’t work appears to have been a random problem. Thanks!

    I’ve also updated to version 12.01.24. Upon using a background backup, I still get a Dropbox transfer pending message after the backup was made. A backup was made as I am able to download it. I will try again because the problem might be that my database/files are big, more than 1gb. Much thanks. ??

    I just checked my email account and see that the automated backups have been working the past 2 days. This is on a new web site so the database is quite small at this point. I have noticed when running a background backup that the prompt box simply says “Ready to backup … site”. This stays there even after the backup has run. You have to click on the “+” button to the left of the Last Backup to actually see where the backup went. I’ve used this plugin for quite some time and always felt secure. I’ll continue to monitor how it works on my new site and keep my fingers crossed.

    Plugin Author EZPZSolutions


    There’s been a few bugs which should be worked out now, the latest being the core php function bcadd() (PHP 4 , 5) which some servers did not have activated. The latest release, 12.01.26, no longer relies on bcadd() so that issue is resolved.

    Large file transfers to Dropbox may be an unresolvable problem. Dropbox API limits http transfer to 300mb. This is overcome by automatically splitting zips over 200MB into smaller pieces and uploading them individually along with a script which can reassemble them on a Windows or Linux computer (Sorry but MAC’s don’t seem to offer a native way to join split binary files). The big issue is servers timing out on large transfers. It’s not a good practice to force a real long timeout setting for any php file because server lockout for TOU violations become a real possibility. I have personally tested EZPZ OCB on sites of 1GB which compressed to approx. 600MB and the transfers worked around 80% of the time.

    There are two things which can help on large sites.

    1. Exclude folders in the options which contain large static files such as media files. These file do not compress very much if at all when zipped. You probably already have these files stored on your computer so they can be uploaded manually if ever needed.
    2. Remove php error logs throughout your site (mostly found in the WordPress root folder and wp-admin) and limit database logs.

      I recently worked on a WP app which had a database of over 3GB! Many hosting provider limit DB’s to 1GB or less. I found 2.2GB of logs from the “Redirection” plugin. That plugin had an option to limit the number of days logs were retained which had been set to forever. Changing this to 10 days made a remarkable improvement in DB size as well as overall site performance.

    I’ve updated to version 12.01.26 but I’m still getting a blank page when I use the manual backup and no backup is performed. Sounds just like what alisonmonahan was experiencing. The difference being background backups do work for me.

    Further the automated backups aren’t working at all.

    Thanks for your help, hopefully we can get these kinks ironed out since I love the simplicity of your plugin and wish to continue using it.

    I gave up on this addon. The best I got from it when it worked was a backup of just the database and not the web pages which is pointless.

    It was a good thought but really not reliable at all.

    So the whole plugin has been abandoned then?

    I’ve been experiencing the problem with manual backup reported by others here. Here’s a bit more info which might help with diagnosing the problem.
    I’m running EZPZ version 12.01.26 with WordPress 3.3.1.

    If I do a manual backup and let it complete, then try to do another manual backup, I get the spinner animation and next to it the Abort This Backup button, the CPU usage goes to 100%, apache hangs and I have to restart apache. Clicking Abort This Backup does nothing. Since the CPU just sits at 100%, I assume php is spinning around in a tight loop.

    I have root access to the server so I can check php error logs.

    If I do a manual backup and then immediately do Delete This Backup, I get some PHP Warnings. I assume these are innocuous, but maybe they’re not expected?:
    [Mon Feb 06 12:35:25 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/html/nectar_buddypress/wp-content/plugins/ezpz-one-click-backup/functions/ezpz-ocb-functions.php on line 1246, referer: https://nectar.versi.edu.au/nectar_buddypress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ezpz_ocb&sp=backup
    [Mon Feb 06 12:35:25 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /var/www/html/nectar_buddypress/wp-content/plugins/ezpz-one-click-backup/functions/ezpz-ocb-functions.php on line 1256, referer: https://nectar.versi.edu.au/nectar_buddypress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ezpz_ocb&sp=backup

    I don’t get any php warnings or errors logged while the CPU is sitting at 100% in the former scenario.


    Using version 12.02.08, manual backup runs fine, background (and scheduled) backup never finishes.

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