Still without notice of and no way to deactivate this unuseful plugin…
Has anyone any idea what we have to do to uninstall it? I think that only delete the directory plugin will left any garbage on blog code…
This is the uninstall.php file of this awful plugin. I hope someone can guide us to uninstall it safely:
## The deactivation process removes the member and posts from the network so that part is redundant
## here and will have no effect since you have to deactivate before you can issue a delete which runs
## the uninstall however, the linksperpost and headertext are not deleted upon deactivation and the
## activation process runs the uninstall server code if there is an outdated license type stored in the
## wp db so while there are some redundant functions in the deactivation and uninstall routines, they are
## both needed.
## Get some site info so we can send the extremeseo network notification
$extremeseo_licensekey = get_option('extremeseo_licensekey');
$siteurl = get_option('siteurl');
$admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
## Notify the extremeseo network staff
mail('[email protected]','Extreme SEO Plugin Client Side Uninstall',"There was an uninstall of the extremeseo plugin on " . $siteurl . " -- " . $admin_email);
## Send the site info to the extremeseo server so we can remove the site from the network
$info = array(
"key" => $extremeseo_licensekey,
"sitename" => $siteurl,
"admin_email" => $admin_email
$ch = curl_init('');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $info);
## Remove the plugin options from the database