Hi Silvia.
I have a few ideas which I feel might improve this already brilliant plugin (im sucking up a little here but i was always told flattery gets you everywhere!! :o) )
1. Ability to add videos from a youtube playlist. Sometimes i find videos on a certain authors channel that i like but they just have one i like and 10 others that i wouldnt want on my site. With a playlist i could add that 1 video to it. Not even sure this would be possible but could be a great feature.
2. Auto exerpts with thumbnail images (as used in the gallery) so that if a video shows up in a tag page, search query or the external videos category page it shows the description only and the thumbnail on the left.
3. Ability to update a single author manually. Sometimes, as i have quite alot of authors, it can take a long time to find new videos and occasionally it will time out. Particularly if i have just added a new author who has alot of videos.
I realise you are busy and this plugin is probably way down on your to do list, but just thought i would share my ideas with you…
Kind regards