• Resolved Vividus


    Guten Tag,

    ich verwende die aktuellste Version des Event Managers sowie WordPress 3.4.2.

    Mein WP ist auf deutsche Sprache eingestellt. Teilweise habe ich jedoch auf den Seiten des EventManagers übersetzungsfehler. Wenn ich beispielsweise eine “Veranstaltung anmelden” m?chte, dann erscheinen problemlos die Formularfelder. Bei dem Punkt “Wann” hei?t es dann aber nicht “Von…bis” sondern “From…bis” oder “Event starts at” anstatt “Veranstaltung beginnt um:”.

    Das sind jetzt nur Beispiele, die übersetzungsfehler ziehen sich durch das gesamte Plugin.

    In der “dbem-de_DE.po” habe ich die angesprochenen “Ursprungss?tze” ausfindig gemacht. So habe ich z. B.

    #: templates/forms/event-editor.php:164
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Event Image"
    msgstr "Bild der Veranstaltung"

    eingetragen und die Datei anschlie?end aktualisiert hochgeladen. Die übersetzung wird jedoch nicht durchgeführt, der englische Begriff bleibt!

    Was mache ich falsch?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus!


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  • do you have any english translation?

    Thread Starter Vividus


    im translating it for you:

    I’m using the latest version of WordPress, 3.4.2. Language is GERMAN.

    Some words are still english instead of german. Examples:

    “Event starts at…” is not translated
    “From…to” is not translated

    and so on…

    I already translated these words myself within “dbem-de_DE.po”. So i changed this for example:

    #: templates/forms/event-editor.php:164
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "Event Image"
    msgstr "Bild der Veranstaltung"

    Then i deleted the old one and uploaded the new “dbem-de_DE.po”. But some manually translated words still wont translate into german, they are still english.

    What am i doing wrong?


    Did you try using the options page at EM Settings > Formatting > Events ?

    Thread Starter Vividus


    Yes i already tried that. But some words still wont translate.

    I just tried to delete all language-files, now only the german file remains but EM still gets english words somehow…

    Hi Vividus,

    is it possible to get the new translation files? I’m wirking with some older people and they have problems with the mix?

    Best wishes (Viele Grü?e)


    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    if you can post the untranslated words (And where they are in EM) here, I can either fix it or tell you where to modify that if it’s a custom value in your settings.

    here are some screenshots with the marked areas:

    Recurring events

    Add Event Category

    Add New Event

    The more:
    In the Menu: Recurring Events,
    Add recurring Events,
    Add New Location (on top)

    Best wishes


    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Thanks for the shots. From the looks of it, this hasn’t been translated completely, because those strings are translateable.

    Looking at the German language file, surprisingly it’s only %65 translated. I thought it was more…

    If you would update the po file and translate these missing strings, and send them over it would be appreciated, also I’ll update the core plugin with the changes.

    howto here – https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/translating/

    @vividus: Do you sent Marcus your new translated files?

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    when ever someone sends a translation I update it in the latest version, nothing sent since the last update

    Thread Starter Vividus


    last few days i wasnt able to find time to look into this.

    I’ll try again with POEdit this afternoon and will give u an update.

    Vividus, if I could help you, please let me know.

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