zondar – if you return… could you post back I’d like to help you get this up and running. ( I don’t work for Marcus or Events-Manager but I’ve done some pretty extensive custom modding to my own copy of it – so I have a decent understanding of the pitfalls in getting it running)
IMPORTANT: Its very possible you selected to turn on the events search instead of including in wordpress searches
Are you sure that you did not select this option by mistake?
Show events search? Yes No
This will only add a search box above your events listings page.
What you need to check is this instead:
Include in WordPress Searches? Yes No
Allow events to appear in the built-in search results.
First a few questions…
Did you have a previous version of Events-Manager setup?
Or was this your first install of the plugin
When you go to “Events Manager” (on the WordPress left nav)
Click on Events
How many events do you see?
Are you able to see any events on your site at all?
Under “Events Manager” > Settings > [PAGES] tab
For “Events Page” … what do you have selected in the dropdown box?
And does this page exist for sure?
…… okay that should be enough questions to start a basic troubleshooting
Seriously stick with it – lets get this figured out for you – you won’t be sorry. Marcus is definitely one of the MOST RESPONSIVE developers on his plugin. He goes out of his way all the time to help people get things right.