• I would like to style up the output of this function, I tried adding htlm between the tabs but it would not show up

    if (class_exists('EM_Events')) {
    echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>'<span class="date">sss</span>'.'#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY<br/>#_EVENTLINK') );

    The results are showing up but it is impossible to stel up anything.


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  • are you working this on a template?

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    not sure what you mean by “impossible to style”

    Thread Starter customedia


    @ agelonwl, @ Marcus

    did you try working on the template instead? https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/using-template-files/

    I tried the templates, but It dint work. As I mentionned earlier this is the code I used:

    if (class_exists('EM_Events')) {
        echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>'<span class="date">sss</span>'.'#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY<br/>#_EVENTLINK') );

    The output ends up being this:

    September 9 2011AppleLife
    Hell may freeze over September 12 2011Legal/Regulatory Information Forum
    The FSA’s 2011-12 Basic Inspection Policy for Banks September 16 2011theLoveStruckEvent
    Mc donalds September 23 2011theLoveStruckEvent
    The Latest Event created that should appear

    As you can see the ouput is indeed coming out but i cant seem to add any html to it, I would like to be able to restructure it like this:

    <span class=”date”>September 9 2011</span>
    <span class=”categories”>AppleLife</span>
    <span class=”text”>Hell may freeze over </span>

    <span class=”date”>September 12 2011</span>
    <span class=”categories”>Legal/Regulatory Information Forum</span>
    <span class=”text”>The FSA’s 2011-12 Basic Inspection Policy for Banks</span>

    and goes on…

    Should I play with the filters?

    Note aside:
    Sorry Marcus for double posting earlier,

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    np, just keeping things in one place ??

    i have a feeling you may have a filter issue with your theme (did you try it on 2011 default theme?), maybe it’s stripping out HTML during the_content filter?

    Thread Starter customedia


    Well i think the problem is more that

    if (class_exists('EM_Events')) {
        echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY#_EVENTLINK') );

    Happens to be a loop that returns all the values requested. I tried adding some css here and there lik this:

    if (class_exists('EM_Events')) {
        echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>'<strong><span class="date">sss</span>'</strong>.'#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY<strong><br/></strong>#_EVENTLINK') );

    Eventually in the ouput the SSS does come out along with its class as for the BR,it has lost its “/” the browser still manage to reconize it therefore the backreturn is done.

    Question aside, I would like to know if it is possible to have a restriction concerning the #_EXCERPT, I would like to limit it to a certain number of character and is there a link place holder for the excerpt a bit like -> #_LINKEDNAME (#_LINKEDEXCERPT perhaps? LOL There is many hidden place holders that are not in the documentation…)

    Thank you

    Thread Starter customedia


    For the link Its ok I found the Alternative

    <a href="#_EVENTURL">...</a>

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    r.e. your other question, https://wp-events-plugin.com/tutorials/ has a tutorial to change default placeholder info.

    we don’t do any filtering of HTML from what’s supplied in the format element, so the answer is as above probably

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