• Hello,

    I’d like to create a widget that display one single event. Not all the event info, just its name, location, photo, and maybe the price. That way, I could display on my homepage the “best” events of the week, for example. Or on any page of the site i can put a “featured” event on the right sidebar.
    I’m fairly new to events manager but I read the tutorials looking for a way to do this, and i still can’t figure out how. Don’t we need a “single event” shortcode or something like that in order to do this?

    Sorry if this has already been answered before, and keep up the great work, this is one of the best plugin i ever tested on WP and Joomla combined.


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  • Yeh Im looking to do something similar with it. I want to create a “Featured Event” area above the event search on the list page.

    They way Im figuring to do it is to create a “Featured” category and then use a conditional if statement to only display events in this category.

    The thing Im trying to figure out is how to do the conditional statement i.e.

    if $em_category = "featured" { display events }

    Anyone got any ideas?


    you might want to try working on the Events Templates @ https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/using-template-files/

    You can also create EM addon, please visit this tutorial https://wp-events-plugin.com/tutorials/


    What you could do is to create a custom widget and see how the events widget is working.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    also look at the docs for search attributes, you can filter events by category with shortcodes for example

    the wp-events-plugin.com barely works. So slow or just doesnt load pages, and that wasnt just yesterday but the day before that too.

    I do what I wanted eventually by adding a “Featured” Category and finding out its ID in my case it was 3.

    I then added this at the top of events-list.php :

    echo "<h2>Featured Events</h2>";
    echo do_shortcode('[events_list category="3"]');

    Does the trick, now just got to add styles.

    I have to say being a non-coder I find the templating system very difficult to follow for this plugin, looks like its all variables passed from other functions.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    good to know, will check that out.

    answered the template comment in your other post

    Thread Starter ktib


    Thank you for your help. I could indeed create a “featured” category and display a widget with the events_list shortcode. That will be satisfying enough.
    However, I’m facing a problem that I’m sure is easily solvable, but I’m kinda lost in the documentation (I’m obviously not a developer). The problem is the following:
    I customized the “default event list format” in the settings, which fits perfectly on a page, but obviously if the event list is displayed in a 180px wide widget, it won’t work.
    I guess the solution would be to copy the php file, rename it, customize the style so as it can fit in my widget and create a new shortcode. However, I can’t find the file to copy. I don’t even know if it is really how it should be done.

    Thank you again for your help

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    you should be able to modify the format of events within the widget list item format

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