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  • Thanks for opening this thread to even for other topics:-).
    I have made my own custom type named animation.its working fine with all features,but after adding a record like title description and an image and then,when i click on view animation its shows me the 404 page as it seems to find nothing but i have even the record in the database as well in wp_posts table,,Having any idea about that?

    Thread Starter ianbutty


    As the original creator of this thread, I would like to keep it on topic. I’m sure Marcus would find it much more helpful if you didn’t post here about things which are not directly related to the DST synchronisation problems between EM and Google Calendar.
    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)



    let’s keep this on topic though as a few ppl are following this now (feel free to ask on another topic!).

    Hey guys, I’m sure you’re still having ‘fun’ with this… I guess you’re well aware that the DST changes in GMT have NOT had any affect on the plugin and the problem still persists ??

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    yup, haven’t had time to test this yet (loads of mini-bugs sprang up over the past weeks), but should have over coming days now things seem to be calming down again.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Finally… I think it’s fixed now. after a lot of digging and testing, it’s come to my attention that UTC time doesn’t include DST.

    I’ve added an hour offset when the event date is in DST (seperately for start/end), which seems to work fine for me.

    A good one to test is these two:

    The first one is in october before the time change (in Spain), and the following is in november after the clocks go back again. Previously these were different times for me, now they’re the same, and correct.

    After all this, we’ll eventually redo the ical when timezones come into play, at that point it seems that DST will be accounted for automatically if the timezones are correctly specified.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    Forgot to mention, it’s in the dev version, if you’d like to test, go to Events > Settings > Admin tools > “Check dev versions” and visit your plugins page to see the update. Testers welcome!

    Excellent work Marcus!

    I updated to and initially it didn’t work… So I checked my General WordPress settings and I was set to UTC. I must have set it to UTC during testing…

    Setting it to London has helped, and with all is well ??

    My ‘Events-Manager’ is running here;

    Great job!

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    cheers for the quick confirmation!

    yes, for this to work, WP has to be in DST mode too.

    Thread Starter ianbutty


    I’ve updated to – all looks fine on my website but I fear there may be something wrong in the .ics file.

    I’ve tried subscribing to the .ics in both google calendar and yahoo calendar and none of the events appear.

    Here is the link to the ics file:

    Please can someone else try to subscribe to it and see if they have any joy. If you do managed to subscribe to it can you take a look at the event on Dec 21st 2012. If shows at 19:00 then the DST issue has been resolved for me.


    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    it loads for a sec, but gives an error and removes the event. looking at

    it looks like you have an event in 2111 which may be the problem

    note that google is a bit funny with URLs, once you add it once, unsubscribing and refreshing to see new values etc. aren’t always immediate they must be using caching of some sort

    I gotta check my notes and do some testing, but I think the dst problem might be solved by adding the actual address to the ics. Currently you have it coded so that the location goes in as, for example, Ian’s Studio, without the address, so how am I gonna find my way there? Sorry to say that google is not on a first-name basis with Ian and cannot provide me with a map. This is a separate ticket just for that alone (I will start one), but google does indicate that it uses location (address) in the parameter to auto-calc dst.

    Thread Starter ianbutty


    Hi Marcus,
    Removed the 2111 event (my attempt to temporarily remove an event from the schedule until I could find a suitable date to reschedule it for)

    However, even with that gone the ics file is still failing to load on both google calendar and yahoo calendar. On the plus side (I think??) it now validates 100% See:

    I know google calendar can be a bit funny with the urls so I saved the ics file to my pc and tried loading that directly. Here’s the error I got:

    Import calendar
    Processed zero events.
    Failed to import events: Unable to process your ical/CSV file..
    Error at line 15: Expected [VEVENT], read [VEVENT0]

    You can see the line in question in the icalvalid link above (line by line display).

    Also while I’m typing…. as you know my business is “Ian’s Studio” in some places the apostrophe appears correctly in the ics file at other times (mainly location field) the name appears as “Ian&#8217\;s Studio” and when I could import in to Google calendar it would display like that rather than as “Ian’s Studio”.

    Thanks again,

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    odd… try re-installing the latest dev version? also make sure you don’t have a template file overriding.

    Thread Starter ianbutty


    Hi Marcus,
    How do I re-install the latest dev version? I’ve enabled dev updates but it is telling me I have the latest version. If I uninstall will I loose any of the events I have created?

    Secondly I don’t think I have any template file overriding anything – how would I check?

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