• Resolved chris


    For specific events, I am displaying a link using has_term('education', 'event-categories'). I am using this “Education” category solely as an indicator to display the link. I also give the events in that category another category name to better specify what type of event it is, e.g., “design”. I am listing the classes on a page along with their category name. However, some of the time the “Education” category displays, and on others the category I want to use to describe the event displays. The displayed category seems to be relative to the position that the category takes within the Event’s Category widget when creating an event post. Does anyone have a solution on how to either change the position of the event categories, or display the category I want to? Here’s the code I’m using for the list.

    [events_list category="11,8,9,12"]<p><span class=grid_2>#_ATT{Date} </span><span class=grid_3>#_EVENTLINK </span><span class=grid_2>#_CATEGORYNAME</span><span class="grid_3">#_ATT{Instructors}</span></p>[/events_list]


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