• I made the mistake of Updating to the latest version via my Admin Plug-in manager – BAD NEWS! All images on the site became an animated gray gif.

    “There is a new version of Events Calendar available. View version 6.6-beta Details or upgrade automatically.”

    I disabled and deleted the plug and per the note on the authors site reverted back to and am working.

    This needs to be removed from WP-Admin ! My site is still telling me to upgrade!

    Otherwise… love the plugin, and sorry to gripe but that’s a pretty shocking change.


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  • I just downloaded and installed the 6.6 patched version. It doesn’t show up on my plugins page, but it does show on the left sidebar in the admin view. Is this how it’s supposed to work?

    Also, where is the calendar supposed to show up? I added an event and can see it in the admin area, but nothing shows up on my website. I’m not even sure what its supposed to look like, or if I can customize it at all. The documentation is crappy!

    Vangrog-it’s at https://www.myrohto.com/news_beta.php
    Thanks for looking into it.

    Your site is not loading the javascript files. For that sidebar calendar, it’d need to load these 2:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.3.2'></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar/js/jquery.tooltip.min.js?ver=1.3'></script>

    And the CSS:

    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox.css" />
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar/css/events-calendar.css" />

    Then another script:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	// <![CDATA[
    	var ecd = {};
    	ecd.jq = jQuery.noConflict(false);

    And at the bottom:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[
    tb_pathToImage ="https://www.brazilusa.com.br/wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif";
    tb_closeImage = "https://www.brazilusa.com.br/wp-includes/js/thickbox/tb-close.png"; ...........

    Something is wrong. It seems only the last part (thickbox) is loading on your site. Did you edit any of the files? Tried to move where those javascripts load or set them to load embedded in your template? I dont recommend any of that for this plugin (unless you are really sure of what you are doing). It’s not easy to edit it, probably because it’s still a rough beta. Moving things can easily make it crash.

    Try disabling it. Delete all files, and delete its table at your database if you have access to it. Upload the patched pack I linked here and install the plugin again. See if it works.

    If it doesnt, it might be a conflict between this plugin and another plugin or your template.


    Calendar Widget is not Pulling Timezone

    For some reason the Calendar Widget is using the timezone of UTC and is changing the date of the calendar to the next day 5 hours early. I have checked the setting in WP and it is properly set.

    @ greatestates: you have to add this code into your template sidebar, if want to embed the calendar:

    <?php SidebarEventsCalendar();?>

    About widgetizing it, sorry but I can’t help. I only use embedded plugins codes, nothing widgetized.


    @ swhitinger: Sorry, but I havent seen that error, so I cant help. Anyway, if you want to change the format dates are showed, you have to go to events calendar options page, and set it there, such as: m-d-Y
    That exemple will show the date as: 01-19-2010


    I just installed your plugin on a WP 2.9.1 site. Using IE8, I am unable to add an event. It simply does not display the Add Event page. I’ve tried using compatibility mode, but that doesn’t help. I can use Firefox and the Add Event works fine.

    Try using the patched pack linked above on this thread.

    Hello staff
    I wonder how to solve the non-redirection “Click date for more details,” because when you click this little window is not directed to the post on and gives a message in the browser “error on page”. Both version 6.5.2 as the 6.6 (Patch) the Events Calendar and WordPress 2.8.4 or 2.9.1 and other issues give this error.

    Thank you in advance.

    Note Translated by Google Translator Brazil Portuguese into English.

    Nobody has any idea how to get the “EC” redirects to the related link?

    Hi All,

    I’m having some issues with the SideBar implementation. Im using 6.6 Beta on WP 2.9.1 with the patch from above. The large calendar works fine. On the page displaying the sidebar; firebug is calling the following error..

    unterminated string literal
    .attr(‘title’, ‘\n

    Here is a snippet from View Source…

    (function($) {
    ecd.jq(document).ready(function() {
    .attr(‘title’, ‘
    <ul class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event\”>
    <li class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event-title\”>Testgin Testing
    <dd class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event-detail\”>Test</dd>
    <dd class=\”EC-tt-widget-day-event-detail\”>Until: 02-17</dd>

    <p><span class=\”EC-tt-widget-clickdate\”>Click date for more details</span>’)
    .attr(‘style’, ‘color:red;’)
    .mouseover(function() {
    ecd.jq(this).css(‘cursor’, ‘pointer’);
    .click(function() {
    tb_show( “February Wednesday 10 2010”, “https://localhost/Cornerspring?EC_view=day&EC_month=02&EC_day=10&EC_year=2010&TB_iframe=true&width=220&height=250&#8221;, false);
    track: true,
    delay: 0,
    showURL: false,
    opacity: 1,
    fixPNG: true,
    showBody: ” – “,
    // extraClass: “pretty fancy”,
    top: -15,
    left: 10

    On line 255 of ec_js.class.php which looks like this
    .attr(‘title’, ‘<?php echo addslashes($output);?>’)

    If I remove <?php echo addslashes($output);?> *just to isolate the problem* the error goes away and firebug now errors on ..

    syntax error

    I can’t seem to locate the <p> and </p> tags being added into the view source. Ive searched all the ec source code and there are no paragraph tags.. I’m kinda confused and hoping someone can shed some light on this. Thanks so much!




    — Pt-BR —
    Consegui resolver meu problema (clique aqui para mais informa??es = n?o funcionando) da seguinte maneira: Simplesmente adicionei no arquivo footer.php do meu tema o código <?php wp_footer(); ?> logo após o início da primeira div no meu caso ficou assim:

    <!-- RODAPé-->
    	<div id="rodape">
        <!-- Para funcionar o Events Calendar -->
    <?php wp_footer(); ?>
    	<!-- Calendar funcionando -->
    		<div id="parceiros">
    			<ul> .............

    ** Detalhes aqui: https://www.wpdesigner.com/2007/05/30/where-exactly-should-you-place-wp_footer/

    Para resolver uma outra quest?o que foi a das imagens (a barra de carragar e o “X” do fechar) n?o aparecerem, fiz mais ou menos como “vangrog” mostra ácima. Adicinoei um trecho de código dentro da fun??o que realiza o evento do clicar para ver mais informa??es no arquivo ec_js.class.php que fica na pasta do plugin Events Calendar:
    tb_pathToImage = “https://www. nome do seu site/blog aqui /wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif”;
    tb_closeImage = “https://www. nome do seu site/blog aqui /wp-includes/js/thickbox/tb-close.png”;
    No meu ficou assim:

    // For tests
    // <script type="text/javascript">
    // // <![CDATA[
    // jQuery.noConflict();
    // (function($) {
    // ecd.jq(document).ready(function() {
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').attr('title', '<?php echo $output;?>');
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').attr('style', '<?php echo $dayHasEventCSS;?>');
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').mouseover(function() {
            ecd.jq(this).css('cursor', 'pointer');
          <!--Para aparecer às imagens (barra e "x" do fechar)-->
          	tb_pathToImage = "https://www.cipoproducoes.org.br/ccdc/wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif";
    		tb_closeImage = "https://www.cipoproducoes.org.br/ccdc/wp-includes/js/thickbox/tb-close.png";
          <!--Para aparecer às imagens (barra e "x" do fechar)-->
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').click(function() {
            tb_show("<?php echo $date_show; ?>", "<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>?EC_view=day&EC_month=<?php echo $m;?>&EC_day=<?php echo $d;?>&EC_year=<?php echo $y;?>&TB_iframe=true&width=220&height=250", false);
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').tooltip({

    Acho que tem uma forma de deixar que o próprio wp saiba o endere?o do site sozinho só bastando colocar mais ou menos assim: tb_pathToImage = ” código do wordpress /wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif”; mais n?o sei como fazer ainda sou novo neste negócio. Fica aí a idéia, por favor se alguém poder melhorar a tradu??o fique avontade até para outros idiomas se possível, pois apesar de ser um problema simples e fácil de resolver muita gente se esquece por pensar que é algo muito sério…

    — Traduzido do Pt-BR para o Eng pelo Google tradutor —
    — Translated from Pt-BR to the Google translator Eng —

    I managed to solve my problem (click here for more information = not working) as follows: Just added the footer.php file of my theme code <?php wp_footer ();?> Just after the start of the first div in my case was thus:

    <!-- Footer -->
    <div ID=" footer ">
        <!-- To run the Events Calendar -->
    	<?php wp_footer ();?>
        <!-- Calendar running -->
                <div ID=" partners ">
                    <ul> .............

    ** Details here: https://www.wpdesigner.com/2007/05/30/where-exactly-should-you-place-wp_footer/

    To address another issue that was the images (the bar carrager and “X” to close) do not appear, did more or less as “Vangrog” shows up. Adicinoei a snippet of code inside the function that performs the event click to see more information in the ec_js.class.php which is in the plugin’s Events Calendar:
    tb_pathToImage = “https://www. name of your site / blog here / wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif”;
    tb_closeImage = “https://www. name of your site / blog here / wp-includes/js/thickbox/tb-close.png”;
    In my was this:

    // For tests
    // <script type="text/javascript">
    // // <![CDATA[
    // jQuery.noConflict();
    // (function($) {
    // ecd.jq(document).ready(function() {
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').attr('title', '<?php echo $output;?>');
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').attr('style', '<?php echo $dayHasEventCSS;?>');
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').mouseover(function() {
            ecd.jq(this).css('cursor', 'pointer');
          <!-- To show the images (bar and "x" to close) -->
          tb_pathToImage = "https://www.cipoproducoes.org.br/ccdc/wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif";
    	  tb_closeImage = "https://www.cipoproducoes.org.br/ccdc/wp-includes/js/thickbox/tb-close.png";
          <!-- To show the images (bar and "x" to close) -->
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').click(function() {
            tb_show("<?php echo $date_show; ?>", "<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>?EC_view=day&EC_month=<?php echo $m;?>&EC_day=<?php echo $d;?>&EC_year=<?php echo $y;?>&TB_iframe=true&width=220&height=250", false);
          ecd.jq('#events-calendar-<?php echo $d;?>').tooltip({

    I think there’s a way to let himself wp know the address of the site alone is sufficient only to put something like this: tb_pathToImage = “code wordpress / wp-includes/js/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif”, most do not know how to do I’m still new in this business. It is the idea, please if someone can improve the translation to be avontade for other languages if possible, because despite being a simple problem and easy to solve a lot of people forget because they think it is something very serious …



    I have been doing some searching and haven’t run across a fix to get my larger calendar to display correctly in Safari or Chrome. It displays correctly in IE & FF, but only shows the first event of the month for Safari & Chrome. I successfully installed 6.6 patch version and it fixed a lot of the error (THANKS FOR ALL THE WORK), but still fighting this one issue. Any suggestions? Thank you!

    Hi all – love the events calendar plugin thanks – great work. I am getting a pesky error at the installed version at https://www.madjester.co.uk – in the calendar view, the date change selectors seem to be upset with some jquery stuff – must be cos of some other plugins installed I think – anyone got any quick fixes? Thanks in advance…I have some css experience I am happy to share ?? but not much of a techie

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