• I have downloaded both 1.2 and 1.2.1 – unzipped, uploaded the containing folder within my plugins directory – shift-refresh on the plugin page within wordpress and…

    It doesn’t exist. It is a no-show. I’ve gone through the read-me file and have tried a few different things such as uploading the containing folder within the folder, have tried putting the php files directly into the plugins directory and… nothing. Notta.

    I have a few other plugins that work successfully so I do not <i>believe</b> that my install is the issue, but who knows.

    Any insight as to why this might be happening?


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  • I am having some issue with the posting to SVN. The plugin works fine on my test server but when I upload and then try the download it does not work. However if I create a new document and copy/paste the PHP code to the page and save as same name and upload to folder in plugins it works. Not sure why, but you might try that work around until I can resolve the SVN upload issue.


    Thread Starter leonaiart


    Interesting – I’ll give that a try tomorrow and let you know how that works.

    Thread Starter leonaiart


    I tried this and still am experiencing the exact same issue.

    Have since tried a few other plugins to see if perhaps its the installation of my wordpress, but it picks up other plugins, just not this one.

    OK, Please download version 2.0. I have verified that it downloads and installs and works without issues.

    Currently it does not show as the active download, so you will have to go to the previous versions to download 2.0

    I have the same problem and would like to get version 2 but am unsure where you have uploaded it
    [email protected]

    Delete the last found it and installing now thanks

    This version loads fine.
    Unfortunately it has a conflict with my shopping cart. Hope you can fix as this is just what we need as a voluntary club that fund raises from small events.

    error message recieved:

    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home/overlor1/public_html/rcpm/wp-content/plugins/event-registration/event_regis.php:248) in /home/overlor1/public_html/rcpm/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/wp-shopping-cart.php on line 148

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/overlor1/public_html/rcpm/wp-content/plugins/event-registration/event_regis.php:248) in /home/overlor1/public_html/rcpm/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 770

    I an unsure as to your issue and I do not use session_start() in my code. The original version may have but I removed the session variables early on.

    The error is because of extra whitespace in the code I have several places where <?PHP and ?> occur. You can go through and take them all out but the first on on line 1 (make sure there are no spaces before <?PHP) and the closing?> (make sure there are no extra spaces after the final ?>.

    I will correct this and upload a new version tomorrow.



    I’m enjoying working with this plugin, and the author has been really responsive to any questions about it. Thanks a lot! I look forward to getting things going on my event website.

    I have a new version almost ready. If you are interested in a pre-release let me know. [email protected]

    I have added:
    Support for a single or choice of multiple events.
    Ability to edit/delete attendee records
    Ability to recieve/post manual payments
    Support to use 0.00 as event fee
    Ability to edit events
    Support for 4 custom questions to event per event (easily increase)
    Ability to edit confirmation email from Admin panel

    Version 2.6 is now available for download.

    Im getting this error.. Any ideas

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘db185351427.wp_eventreg_events’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT id, name, datetime, location, period_start, period_end FROM wp_eventreg_events


    Well, it almost works perfectly. Thanks for a great plugin idea! But once a user fills out the form all they get is: “our Registration has been added. Please watch your email for a confirmation of registration.”

    I was expecting them to be taken over to paypal.
    I have put the paypal id in the settings.

    nevermind. i forgot to add a price! that’s what it was.

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