• Hello and thanks for the hard work on this great plugin. My only problem with it is that my event name has an apostrophe in it ie: “Frankie’s Event” and the confirmation emails that are sent out to registered users as well as the system admin parse the event name like this “Frank&#039s Event”.

    I noticed in the admin when I created the event that the first time I saved the event, the title of the event was “Frankie\s Event”. I replaced the “\” symbol w/ an apostrophe and saved the event again and that dropped the “\” symbol in the admin. Not sure if that’s related and it’s not that big of a deal, the issue above this is the big one. Any idea how to solve it?

    Thanks very much for your time and assistance.

    (edit: I left off the semi colon at the end of the ascii code &#039 so it didn’t parse here as an apostrophe – I tried the backticks first but no luck so hopefully this makes sense!)


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