Rich – once again, thank you for your help. I figured it out using iPage’s Knowledgebase on PHP, and, hopefully with your approval, will post step by step instructions here. I wish I had this 10 hours ago. Be well ??
# Find your actual path
1. Go to your Website >Server Information
2. In the top section find the setting called Document Root
Your path should be in the form /home/users/web1111/pr.username/dir where pr is an abbreviation for iPage, username is your hosting account username, and dir may be an additional directory such as public_html, or docroot, or root, or even empty.
3. Copy this path, you will need it in the next step
# If your DocumentRoot ends with /public_html or /htdocs, create a phpsessions directory as directed below:
1. Using the FileManager, create a folder in the root directory, parallel to your DocumentRoot (from above). In FileManager, the document root is marked with a globe icon (see below)
2. Call this folder phpsessions
3. Your full path is your actual path to your root directory, which is DocumentRoot, minus the /public_html or /htdocs directory, plus phpsession. In the example above, your full path would be:
where pr is an abbreviation for iPage and username is your hosting account username
# If your DocumentRoot DOES NOT end with /public_html or /htdocs, determine the path to your cgi-bin/tmp directory as follows:
1. Log into FileManager
2. Find your document root directory (the one with a globe icon)
3. Locate the tmp directory under cgi-bin directory, and note the path to this directory that appears at the top of the right pane. For example, in the case above, the path is: /cgi-bin/tmp
4. Your full path is the DocumentRoot directory determined in step 1, and the path to the tmp directory, determined here. So, in the example above, the full path is:
/home/users/web/b556/pr.username/cgi-bin/tmp where “pr” stands for iPage’s abbreviation, and username is your hosting account username.
# Edit your php.ini file to include the full path determined in the steps above
1. Navigate to the PHP Scripting page, which contains your php.ini file from Scripting and Add Ons > CGI and Scripted Language Support > PHP Scripting
2. Scroll to the bottom, and click Edit to edit your php.ini file
3. Find the line where sessions.save_path is set
4. Set the sessions.save_path to the full path determined above, for example:
For DocumentRoot ending in /htdocs or /public_html:
sessions.save_path = /home/users/web/b556/pr.username/public_html/phpsessions
where pr is an abbreviation for iPage, username is your hosting account username, and /public_html could be /htdocs instead.
For DocumentRoot NOT ending in /htdocs or /public_html:
sessions.save_path = /home/users/web/b556/pr.username/cgi-bin/tmp
where “pr” stands for iPage’s abbreviation, and username is your hosting account username
5. Click Save