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  • Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hey Rob,
    This is a WordPress core call generated by the admin_init hook (in this case).

    What version of the plugin are you using?

    Thanks for calling this to my attention. I’ll do my best to sort it out.


    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hey Rob,
    Methinks you’ve found an issue (read “bug in Mark’s bad/sloppy code”) due to the way your server is handling errors and warnings. Would it be possible for you to remark out the following line:

    add_action('admin_init', 'mstw_gs_register_settings' );

    in mstw-game-schedule.php, and let me know what happens? It’s line 181 in my version (which is the beta release). Could be a different line number in your version.



    I am having the same issue and commented out the line you suggested. The error message is gone. Will this have any effect on the plug-in?

    The Game Schedules plugin is great by the way. I use it for my ice hockey team web site. Thanks for all your hard work!


    using your plugin on a clients web site that has a custom theme purchased from i3dthemes ( Everything was great until I saw that there was an update for your plugin. Thinking that a new version may have good stuff, I updated the plugin and got the same error:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘mstw_gs_register_settings’ was given in /home/maandres/public_html/ on line 406

    I am reluctant to modify the php files as I have not done that. Site still looks and functions as it was before update, however I can not make content changes or upload new photos to the site.

    I also just noticed that time is off in the schedule.

    Thread Starter robsanders


    Thanks for the response.

    I followed your instructions and received this :

    The plugin generated 2011 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    When i go to add new game :

    Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in F:\wamp\www\wp-content\plugins\game-schedules\includes\mstw-game-schedules-admin.php on line 169

    Thanks again, and hope you can sort this out.

    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    If you don’t want to touch the .php files (that’s understandable), delete the plugin and reinstall it. (You won’t lose your data. But yu will lose any changes to the plugin’s .css file, so put it somewhere safe first.) The plugin is now EXACTLY the 2.4 plugin. So the error that was encountered has always been there, it was just noticed with robsanders had a server with stronger or less forgiving error/warning handling. Having re-installed it, if it does not work then something else changed.

    I don’t know what you mean by

    I can not make content changes or upload new photos to the site

    Do you mean just the games? Or ALL site content? If you uninstall and reinstall, you will have what you started with and if it worked before, it should work now.

    Re: I also just noticed that time is off in the schedule.
    What does that mean? Please check the Unix DTG and Date at the bottom of the Game Add/Edit window. What’s not right? Are the times consistently off by a certain number of hours? Then check the WordPress Timezone setting under general settings. Did it change? Did the system time on your server change? In this forum you will find several threads on date-time issues but NOTHING in the code regarding date-time has changed (until 3.0, see below).

    The other thing you can do is look at how your server is handling warnings and errors and see if (a) that’s changed or if (b) you can weaken it.

    Version 3.0 will be out as soon as I can get through this issue. Should be sometime next week, the latest.


    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    I just tested this and I see no errors. I guess is that your server has the error settings for PHP screwed down really tight, which is good for development and testing, wish I could do that on shared servers, but not so good for production. So when esc_attr returns a string and date needs a long it throws a warning, not an error. Try changing that line to:

    date( 'Y', (long)esc_attr( $mstw_gs_unix_dtg ) )

    and see if that does it. BTW, I really think you need to loosen up the php error handling on your server.


    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Mark (johnmarkroman)-
    Making the fix will not affect anything else. That was a “dead” line of code that Rob’s server flagged as a ‘fatal’ error. Shared hosts from hosting companies are much more forgiving of ‘errors’.


    Thread Starter robsanders


    Have it running on a local server, so if you could guide me where i can change these security settings, i would be happy to give it a run.

    Let me know.



    Thanks for your replies. Before I saw them I had deactivated the plugin and was then able to make modifications to other photos and pages. I then activated it and the errors came back. I uninstalled version 3.0 and reinstalled 2.4. I had also already download a copy of the modified CSS to my computer so I was ok with keeping the look I had changed.

    I like the plugin. It works well for the Lacrosse teams from my grandson’s school. He is a starting freshman on the varsity team. I created the web site for them.


    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell


    Hi memanow,
    I have NO idea how the plugin would cause this. (Not saying I don’t believe you, just that something is going on that I don’t understand right now.)

    Right now, I plan to clean up the other issues with the 3.0 BETA version and release it. (Plus I have some real paying work to complete next week … always a good thing … for a client who has been very patient.) If your problem persists, we can dive in deeper.


    Plugin Author Mark O’Donnell



    Have it running on a local server, so if you could guide me where i can change these security settings, i would be happy to give it a run.

    You can control the error handling by setting WP_DEBUG in your wp-config file.

    You will find a line that looks something like:

    define('WP_DEBUG', true);

    with maybe some other lines associated with it for logging etc. If you change it to:

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);

    these errors should disappear. If you google around for WP_DEBUG settings, you’ll find a wealth of stuff about it. In general, WP_DEBUG should be on for development environments and OFF for production environments. (I have it on and am cleaning up the 3.0 BETA, readying it for release. Lots of little stuff that isn’t a big deal given php’s very forgiving nature, but which really should be clean.)


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