• kanzbrandit123


    I presumed that this plugin could be the best i will use predict salat time on my website, but unfortunately, each time i install it to see how its free version work on the site to decide if i should go for the pro version, it course a critical error on the whole website.

    If there is any way you can help me over this i will appreciate it

    here is my email: kanzbrandit@gmail.com

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  • go and find your class-salah-loader.php and change your codes with the codes written below. This will solve your problem

    class Salah_Time_Loader { /** * Initializes the class once all plugins have loaded. */ static public function init() { add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, __CLASS__ . ‘::setup_hooks’ ); } /** * Setup hooks if the builder is installed and activated. */ static public function setup_hooks() { // register script add_action(‘init’, array(__CLASS__, ‘load_salah_scripts’)); add_filter(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, array(__CLASS__, ‘insert_jquery’), 1); } static public function insert_jquery(){ wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’, false, array(), false, false); } static public function load_salah_scripts(){ wp_register_script( ‘PrayTimes’, SALAH_URL . ‘assets/js/PrayTimes.js’, array(‘jquery’),false,true ); // This outputs at header wp_register_script( ‘hijri-date’, SALAH_URL . ‘assets/js/hijri-date.js’, array(‘jquery’),false,true ); // This outputs at header wp_enqueue_style( ‘salah-mosque-css’, SALAH_URL . ‘assets/css/praytime.css’, array(), ” ); $jsonMonth = file_get_contents(Salah_Time::get_salah_json_path()); $jamat_data = json_decode($jsonMonth, true); $config_array = array( ‘siteURL’ => site_url(), ‘siteName’ => get_bloginfo(‘name’), ‘salahTime’ => $jamat_data, ); wp_localize_script(‘PrayTimes’, ‘salah_conf’, $config_array); } } Salah_Time_Loader::init();

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