• Adding to this plugin the ability to tag attachments and display based on tags has made it even more indispensable!

    As of now, selecting multiple tags in the shortcode displays OR. Is it possible to display AND?


    [attachments tags=”A,B,C”]: Displays all attachments tagged A, B _or_ C.

    Is it possible to display attachments tagged only A, B _AND_ C? (Only displays if attachments contains all three tags.)

    Merci beaucoup.


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  • Have you got any idea how to pass the tags into the link url in the widget – I’d like to customize the icon based on the tag.



    Thread Starter Joe Banks


    @iain: Great idea!

    I’m struggling with it… I’ve tried a plugin that claims to add a class to a widget – not ideal solution, but it would have worked. however it broke the site…

    I have classes based on tags in my main menus but they’re calling the tag based on the wordpress default code and as the media tag option is part of this plugin (and not standard), I’m not it’s going to work, or sure how to proceed.

    I’ve started a thread on it…. Any takers?

    Part of the way there – I’ve managed to pass the relevant document tag into the dt icon class by changing <dt class="icon"> to <dt class="icon-'.$tags.'"> on line 552 of eg-attachments-public.inc.php

    might have to change dt to li so I can change the bullet icon for each class.


    Just switch off ‘show icons’ in the widget settings and update the code below with the following for standard list format (lines 561 – 563 of eg-attachments-public.inc.php)

    $output .= '<li class="attachments attachments-'.$tags.'">'.
    		implode('<br />', $caption_list).

    – then just use css to replace the bullet point style with an image.

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