• Resolved steve02a


    I just have a simple page on my site and first, I tried:

    [ Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or
    use the code button. ]

    <class="fancybox-iframe"><a href="https://www.DellPCAdvisor.com?src=464984214"><strong>Click HERE for the Dell PC Advisor and Configuration Tool</strong></a>

    That didn’t work, so then I tried:

    a href="https://www.DellPCAdvisor.com?src=464984214" "fancybox-iframe"><strong>Click HERE for the Dell PC Advisor and Configuration Tool</strong></li>

    (I removed the bracket so you can see the link text and it’s not converted into a link on this post)

    That didn’t work either. Both just brought me to the page….no fancybox popup.

    The fancybox works great for a couple of flash files I have on my site. Double checked my settings and iframe is enabled. I just can’t figure out what’s going on – unless there is another tag I’m unaware of.

    Anyone know what’s going on?
    you can see the site here: https://www.s3cc.net/dell-pc-advisorconfigure

    (the one not in bullet is the 1st code. Bullet item is the 2nd code.


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  • Basic anatomy of a hyper link, with a class attribute “fancybox-iframe”:

    <a href="...url here..." class="fancybox-iframe">...link text here...</a>
    Thread Starter steve02a


    That appears to be working, however, I just get this spinning wheel image like it’s loading, but never loads.

    Check it out: https://www.s3cc.net/dell-pc-advisorconfigure/

    I’ve tried IE 8 & 9, Opera 12, Firefox 12 and the latest Google Chrome.

    Your theme has FancyBox already integrated into it. You cannot run two instances of FancyBox together. Plus you seem to have activated some other jQuery lighbtox plugin.

    You need to find a way to disable the theme integrated version of FacnyBox. Does it have such an option in the themes ePanel? If not, then the theme is incompatible with Easy FancyBox…

    In that case, you could try to make use of the integrated FancyBox by giving the link class=”fancybox iframe” (notice there is a space instead of a hyphen between the two) but you might have trouble resizing it to fit the content page…

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