I’ve been reviewing this plugin code and actually the user does not steal adspace if you put 0% on the “Percentage of ad slots to share” field.
I agree that he really tries hard to get some adspace… He populates the fields with his own adsense codes, and each time you change template you get the 5% again.
As you can see in his code:
function mc($mc, $ad, $size=false) {
if ($mc <= 0 || $this->mced) return $ad ;
If $mc equals 0, your ad will be returned, never his.
Another problem this plugin has is that he always inserts adsense into feeds, which is a no-no! I want to use adsense for feeds instead of injecting “normal” adsense into feeds.
To solve this you should add:
if (is_feed()) return $content ;
if ($ezAdOptions['kill_tag'] && is_tag()) return $content ;
if ($ezAdOptions['kill_archive'] && is_archive()) return $content ;
This really should be there by default or as an option. I’ll try to contact the user about this.