New version (0.6) is out, fixing this bug.
I’ve tested it with WP 2.8.2, WPMU 2.8 and WP 2.6.5, so I’m setting compatibility inside this range: the older versions allowed to copy a page only from the “Edit page” screen but not from the Page list because of a known limitation in the APIs, but now the opposite is true, So I don’t want to break the plugin if someone is still forced to use a very old WP.
You should see the notification in your plugin list already. Please notify me with every problem/suggestion, giving how I rushed to put out a fix, I wouldn’t be surprised if I missed something…
I’ve also added Japanese and Italian language files, courtesy of a Japanese user who sent me his translation and some hints. I’ve followed his suggestions, and read the documentation on i18n on Codex. everything seems OK but I can’t see my native Italian on anyone of my testing WP installations. Something’s wrong, but I don’t want to delay the much awaited bugfix anymore…
I’ll try to investigate some more on the matter the next days, feel free to tell me what’s wrong, or send me your translations if you want.
Thank you for all your help and appreciation.