It works fine on my site with one exception. Where the user comments are to be posted on the Recognition wall nothing appears. Everything else seems to work fine.
steve-pheriche posted a fix for the problem I had
the solution to the missing comment problem lies with the interaction with PayPal’s IPN variables. If the donor leaves the url blank the comment will not be sent.
This is because Donor Comment is being sent as OS1 , which is a variable that relates to ON1. PayPal expects ON1 to be a variable name, and OS1 to be the property. Such as “ON1=shirtcolor, OS1= blue” . So, in short paypal are rejecting OS1 when ON1 is not present.
As a hacky fix you could find line 443 of donate-plus.php and change
<input type=”text” name=”on1″ id=”donor_url”/>
to read
<input type=”text” name=”on1″ id=”donor_url” value=”-“/>
simply sending the hyphen as a variable name will allow the comment to be stored
hope that helps
Using his hack it does now put the comment but on my theme it is the same color as the background so unless I highlight it with my mouse you cant see it.