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  • Hi Mario,

    It’s hard for me to help if I can’t take a look at the problem or reproduce it. I’d recommend you double-check that the menu you’re adding includes Menu Sections and that each Menu Section includes at least one Menu Item.

    Thread Starter Mario Koch



    I just made a double-check. But nothing changes. It doesn’t work.

    The menu I’ve added includes a Menu Sections and every Menu Section includes at least one Menu Item.

    To make it possible that you can have a look anreproduce the problem I have installed the plugin to another theme.

    I have created a capital “Mittagskarte” and a Menu “Nudeln” and “Suppe”. Then I insert the code [fdm-menu id=556] into the “Test” side.

    But on the side you can see nothing. I have de installed the plugin and once again installed. Nothing changes.

    I hope you can help me.

    Hi Mario,

    Thanks for setting up that test site. I’ve taken a look and I can see that the HTML markup is getting printed to the site. (See this screenshot Something is causing it to be not visible — perhaps some CSS code or maybe some JavaScript is setting some properties under the hood.

    I’d recommend you switch to a default theme and then deactivate all of your plugins. Once done, you should see the content, and you can start reactivating your plugins one by one, and switching to your custom theme, until you find the source of the problem.

    Thread Starter Mario Koch


    Hi NateWr,

    thank you for checking the test site. I have deactivate all of the plugins but what should I say? No plugin was to be seen. What the hell!!!!

    I don’t realy know what to do. I have also the plugin “contact 7” installed and this plugin works. But you have also over 5.000 active installs. So your Plugin works too. Unfortunately not on my page. ?? FUBAR!!!

    Is there another possibillity to insert the plugin? Without the shortcode perhaps?

    Thanks and sorry…

    Thread Starter Mario Koch


    Hi again,

    I’ve got an information by the developper of the theme. Might be good, might be not good. I don’t know.

    Hello, I found that there is conflict between classes – both theme and plugin too using class “clearfix” for something else.
    If I removed class clearfix from plugin “ul” tag which represent the list of plugin parts then I can see all parts from of plugin – although theme apply own list style for parts parts in content as they are presented with list structure. Unfortunately in that case we are unable do anything as the clearfix class is used overall theme to clear floated elements – class is mentioned between useful classes on preview website:

    To make that working is really necessary custom modification of plugin or theme to make them both together working properly.

    Thanks for understanding, Ivan.

    Is there anything in the Plugin that can be changed to make it working?

    Hi Mario,

    You can customize the menu template’s HTML output by adding your own templates. The easiest thing is probably to copy the templates into your theme folder.

    I’ve written a small tutorial on building custom templates. You’ll need to be comfortable making basic modifications to PHP files, but hopefully it will help you do what you need.

    Your theme author may also be able to help.

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