WordPress 4.3.1, Twenty-Twelve theme. Testing Timeline Express for client.
Is Timeline Express broken in WP 4.3.1? Here’s what I did to test it:
Create new announcement, use today’s date for date. Publish, enter shortcode [timeline-express] on test page, all fine.
Create new announcement, use date in past, save.
Go to Timeline Express Settings page, change Time Frame from Future Events to All Events (past + future), Save Settings.
Go to test page, older-dated post not seen. Go back to Timeline Express settings, Time Frame still set at Future Events! I changed back to All Events several times and saved, behavior repeats, resetting to Future Events each time.
I’d really like to use this plug-in, but it seems that in 4.3.1, it’s broken. Client would probably pay for a donation if it worked.