button to add templates is showing at every ACF field but It doesnt open the pop up to select the template on the ACF fields
but it does it at the content editor.
Another fine tuning:
can we control on which tinymce defined toolbars the button is loaded?
I have a multiuser site and some roles have a more restricted toolbars with only few options of formatting and i’d like to not let them to add templates.
The idea will be load your plugin only on those fields that have the “FULL TINYMCE” and not the rest of defined toolbars.
I have a piece of code like that to define other toolbars
add_filter( ‘acf/fields/wysiwyg/toolbars’ , ‘my_toolbars’ );
function my_toolbars( $toolbars )
// Add a new toolbar called “Very Simple”
$toolbars[‘Very Simple’ ] = array();
$toolbars[‘Very Simple’ ][1] = array(‘formatselect’ , ‘bold’ , ‘italic’ , ‘underline’ , ‘specialcharacter’ , ‘bullist’ , ‘numlist’ , ‘alignleft’ , ‘alignright’ , ‘aligncenter’ , ‘alignjustify’ ,);
$toolbars[‘Very Simple’ ][2] = array(‘pastetext’ , ‘undo’ , ‘redo’ , ‘fullscreen’);
// return $toolbars – IMPORTANT!
return $toolbars;