• Hi, please, I need some help.

    I Have a user checkboxes custom field registered to use a Taxomony and is set to $Single= false. So I can check as many as I want.

    I use this taxonomy also in my custom post type where my client can check one or many tags for each post.

    So, what I need is to query all posts that has the same tags for each user. I have the code below:

    if ( function_exists( 'slt_cf_register_box') )
        add_action( 'init', 'register_my_custom_fields' );
    function register_my_custom_fields() {
        slt_cf_register_box( array(
            'type'      => 'post',
            'title'     => 'Dados do Arquivo',
            'id'        => 'dados-arquivo',
            'context'   => 'normal',
            'priority'  => 'high',
            'fields'    => array(
                    'name'          => 'ad_arquivorestrito',
                    'label'         => 'Selecione o Arquivo',
                    'type'          => 'file',
                    'file_button_label'          => 'Selecionar arquivo',
                    'scope'         => array( 'ad_arearestrita' ),
                    'capabilities'  => array( 'edit_posts' )
        slt_cf_register_box( array(
            'type'      => 'user',
            'title'     => 'Acesso as Concessionárias',
            'id'        => 'acesso-concessionaria',
            'context'   => 'normal',
            'priority'  => 'high',
            'fields'    => array(
                    'name'          => 'ad_acessoconcessionaria',
                    'label'         => 'Acesso a:',
                    'type'          => 'checkboxes',
                    'multiple'      => true,
                    'options_type'  => 'terms',
                    'options_query' => array( 'taxonomies' => 'ad_concessionaria', 'hide_empty' => false ),
                    'single' 		=> false,
                    'scope'         => array( 'administrator', 'admin', 'concessionaria', 'editor' ),
                    'capabilities'  => array( 'edit_users' )

    That’s working fine! I have a checkboxes in my User Profile with all tags I created in the Taxonomy “ad_concessionaria”.

    Now I have the query below:

    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'ad_arearestrita',
    	'posts_per_page' => -1,
    	'tax_query' => array(
    			'taxonomy' => 'ad_concessionaria',
    			'field' => 'id',
    			'terms' => $current_user->_slt_ad_acessoconcessionaria
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
    while($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();

    That’s working fine, but is retrieving just one post, because is getting just ONE “term” from my User Custom Field…….

    I can’t find a way to retrieve an Array of the values, since I use Checkboxes and I can have many tags in this field…..

    Can you help me please??? How can I get an ARRAY of values to use in this Query?


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  • Thread Starter raonip


    Hi, it’s me again! What I need is to have an Array like this:

    			'taxonomy' => 'ad_concessionaria',
    			'field' => 'id',
    			'terms' => array( 103, 115, 206 )

    How can I pass my User Custom field as an ARRAY inside the ‘terms’??
    I forgot to say the USER ID is the user logged in!

    Thanks and I hope someone can help!!!

    Plugin Author Steve Taylor


    Just trying to get my head around the issue:

    1. You have a taxonomy applied to a custom post type (using the WP taxonomy system, not a custom field)
    2. You have the same taxonomy applied to users, via a custom field
    3. You want the query to return all posts that have at least one tag that is also attached to a particular user? Or…?

    I’m not clear at all about #3! Could you clarify?

    Plugin Author Steve Taylor


    Ah, OK. Well, the Codex says that the terms in the above array can be an array. Maybe you need to play around with the other parameters – maybe operator?

    Thread Starter raonip


    Hi, I think I just need to retrieve the values of the user custom field as an Array in ‘Terms’……

    Thread Starter raonip


    The way I did in my query I can have just ONE value…….and as a result I have just One post with that same value (tag).

    If I can pass an ARRAY with all values………then I have all posts….

    Thread Starter raonip


    Hi, I tried this query but is not working:

    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'ad_arearestrita',
    	'posts_per_page' => -1,
    	'tax_query' => array(
    			'taxonomy' => 'ad_concessionaria',
    			'field' => 'id',
    			'terms' => slt_cf_field_value( 'ad_acessoconcessionaria' )
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
    while($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();

    Plugin Author Steve Taylor



    'terms' => slt_cf_field_value( 'ad_acessoconcessionaria', 'user', $user_id, '', '', false, false )

    The false at the end is to reflect single being false in the field definition:


    You’ll have to replace $user_id with the current user ID, however you’re getting that.

    Thread Starter raonip


    Simple as that!! ??

    Now it’s working….here is the query PERFECT:

    $args = array(
    	'post_type' => 'ad_arearestrita',
    	'posts_per_page' => -1,
    	'tax_query' => array(
    			'taxonomy' => 'ad_concessionaria',
    			'field' => 'id',
    			'terms' => slt_cf_field_value( 'ad_acessoconcessionaria', 'user', $current_user->ID, '', '', false, false )
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
    while($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();

    Thank you so much!!! Finally I found an excelent Custom Fileds Plugin!

    Thread Starter raonip


    Steve, where can I donate some money for you?? To continue the development of this plugin??

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Steve Taylor


    Fantastic, glad it worked and the plugin’s proving useful!

    There’s a donate link on the plugin home page:


    Thanks ??

    Thread Starter raonip


    Perfect!! Just Donated!!!!

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