I have finished my work – please upgrade DB Cache Reloaded to version 2.0, and activate Wrapper Mode. After you do this, you can use both DB Cache Reloaded and WP Tuner.
However there is one problem: WP Tuber will show that almost all queries are done by DB Cache Reloaded. In order to fix this, please open wptuner/wptuner232.php, go to line 52 and replace:
switch ($trace['class']) {
case __CLASS__:
case 'wpdb':
$lastDBidx = $idx; // Find the outermost call into WPDB
if ($idx && substr($parse,0,10) == 'wp-content') break 2; // If not the first (get_caller) item, break out of the search -- we found a plugin or theme
continue 2; // continue the foreach
switch ($trace['class']) {
case __CLASS__:
case 'wpdb':
case 'DBCR_WPDB_Wrapper':
$lastDBidx = $idx; // Find the outermost call into WPDB
if (substr($parse,0,10) == 'wp-content') {
if (class_exists('DBCR_WPDB_Wrapper') && $idx > 2) break 2;
elseif (!class_exists('DBCR_WPDB_Wrapper') && $idx) break 2; // If not the first (get_caller) item, break out of the search -- we found a plugin or theme
continue 2; // continue the foreach