• While developing my own site and making modifications to the way search results were displayed (sorted by categories e.g.) I noticed the way some of the things in ‘daves-wordpress-live-search.js.php’ were coded.

    I believe it’s much faster to start with:

    function LiveSearch() {
       var results='';

    and then assign this element (with id rather than class) once for all so you don’t have to search for it ever again. I’m actually appending it to a css positioned element and by doing that I don’t have to dynamically calculate search results left and top coordinates – adding few lines of static css does the trick. Also rather than having click event binded to every existing element in your DOM, just bind it once to your body.

    LiveSearch.init = function() {
       LiveSearch.results=jQuery('<ul id="search_results"></ul>').appendTo("#sideBar").hide(); 
    jQuery('#s, #search_results').click(LiveSearch.handleClicks);

    Then simply reduce handleClicks to:

    LiveSearch.handleClicks = function(e) {
    	var target = jQuery(this);

    get rid of all dynamic positioning and obviously replace all instances of ul.search_results with existing variable. It renders slightly faster expecially in IEs and the code is cleaner (:

    Otherwise great plugin!


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  • OMFG criography, that’s the kind of in-depth attention this plugin has been needing. I’ll take a closer look at your changes this week (hopefully) and integrate them. I’m planning for a 2.0 release by the end of the year, and this would be a great way to start things off.

    – Dave

    handleClicks can actually be one line shorter at that point, as we don’t need that target variable anymore.

    Screw it, handleClicks has been replaced with a closure passed to click(). Goodbye, old friend.

    I made most of the changes you recommended. I’m still on the fence about getting rid of the dynamic positioning. I can certainly do something with CSS, but the point of doing it that way was to eventually be able to ditch the requirement of only having one search box on the page.

    I’d actually like to get that working at some point, although it doesn’t affect many themes. Go ahead & grab the latest development version if you want and let me know how it performs for you.

    Thanks again!

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