• Hi,

    The plugin works well but on my site I am using qTranslate and I get the links like this:

    * [lang_en]About us[/lang_en][lang_pt]Acerca de nós[/lang_pt]
    * [lang_en]Contact us[/lang_en][lang_pt]Contacte-nos[/lang_pt]
    * [lang_en]Our location[/lang_en][lang_pt]A nossa localiza??o[/lang_pt]
    * [lang_en]Our team[/lang_en][lang_pt]A nossa equipa[/lang_pt]
    * [lang_en]Sitemap[/lang_en][lang_pt]Mapa do site[/lang_pt]

    This is because we qTranslate uses [lang_en] [/lang_en] [lang_pt] [/lang_pt] to separate the translations.
    Since there are many international wordpress users, I figure it would be great if DD Sitemap Generator could support translations and be compatible with the qTranslate plugin at least.

    Any chance this could be buint in DD Sitemap Generator?

    Thanks in advance


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  • me too!!!!! please please please does someone have a solution to this!

    ok, i just found a solution to this, remember this will only work if you have all the language files installed (.mo files)
    found solution here

    and written below:

    STEP1. open sitemap-generator.php under right the Dragon Design Sitemap Generator directory.
    STEP2. find this line about 2531 in my edition(version 3.14)
    $content = str_replace(‘<!– ddsitemapgen –>’, ddsg_create_sitemap(), $content);
    STEP3. change this line as following
    $content = str_replace(‘<!– ddsitemapgen –>’, _e(ddsg_create_sitemap()), $content);

    Thanks for mentioning about the necessity of having the language files (.mo) installed… Saved me from pulling out all my remaing hairs!



    or see line 1264 in sitemap-generator.php for version 3.15

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