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  • Does work with 3.1.2.

    We have installed this in version 3.1.2 and it does indeed work.

    We did have to manually add the ‘Meta’ widget to our sidebar again after activating the plug-in however.

    I dont find that it can “customize” the wp login as much, I mean, whats the point if I cant control what OPTIONS to display in the Widget? I dont want the Site Admin link to display for example, and your plugin doesnt allow me to remove that link, so what’s the point?

    Useless imo.

    this plugin doesnt work and when i removed it my old meta widget is now broke

    It works in 3.2.1 like a charm! Although you have to edit it manually to get what you want. Anyhow much better than to touch any core file don’t you think?

    I’ll give it another try for the sake of it cause ya, plugins are better then hard coding.

    i believe there’s an error in line 21
    should be

    well, i’ve never seen a function call being used without single quotes…

    and… taking a closer look, there’s a deprecated function being used too…

    will revise it all and post the code

    i’m pretty sure now it works with 3.2.1

    did some enhancements, but it would be better if no source code editing was necessary…

    i’ll probably use this technique and build another plugin from scratch

    ?are you there, Jehy?

    [edit: just tested as a MultiSite auto-activated plugin and so far so good :o]

    This is a junk widget.

    Why bother making a widget and then asking users to go in and fiddle with the theme using PHP…

    1. Create a Widget Config.
    2. Configure your Widget Config as you wont.
    3. Place a Widget from WordPress Widgets or in Theme via PHP and select a Widget Config.
    4. Ready.

    Code too place a Widget via PHP:
    <?PHP if (function_exists(‘MiniMetaWidgetSidebar’)) MiniMetaWidgetSidebar(Name of Widget Config); ?>

    Why build a widget that does that? Lazy programming. Sorry.

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