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  • Thread Starter marquex


    HI @tdistel @detoner,

    I can’t be very helpful in your cases, Genesis is a payment theme so i could’t download it to make some tests.

    Maybe you can ask genesis people for support, I’m sure they can download custom sidebars for free…

    Hi Marquex,

    I love this plugin because I don’t like creating a ton of templates and it works like a charm. However, just thought you should know that if you bulk edit pages, it resets the sidebar back to the default. Found this out the hard way with a 70+ page site that I bulk edited the pages to turn off comments.

    Thread Starter marquex


    Wow riomurphy! That’s are really bad news, i never tried to bulk edit my pages so i have never noticed about that, i will do some tests and try to understand if it’s a bug, if so i will release a version fixing it. Thanks for your opinion, it will make that nobody get the same problem again!

    Thanks Marquex, no worries. I fixed them back. I’ll still use the plugin as it works great otherwise. However, I just did a test using the quick edit and saving the page and it, too reset the sidebar to the default.

    Thread Starter marquex


    Hey riomurphy,

    I just uploaded a new version of the plugin that should fix the bug, it works nice for me. I hope not to find something so wrong again!!

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Awesome – works like a charm. Thank you so much for the quick update!

    Nice idea, but having trouble getting it to work. Using Thesis 1.8 and WP 3+. Using 1 sidebar. Installed successfully and setup, but when editing a couple of posts for a test the new sidebars are not replacing the default sidebar 1. Realize you may not have Thesis. Please advise what might be the issue.

    Thread Starter marquex


    Hi nyvc,

    Yes I’ve already been told about some problem with thesis theme. I really would like to fix it but my problem is that getting thesis is not for free, and I haven’t earned enough to pay half of a thesis license with the custom sidebars development.

    Maybe you can ask thesis people for help with the issue…

    Someone posted on Thesis 3 weeks ago with no answer. Consider it a worthy investment. Thesis is growing its user base by 2,500 users per month currently reaching 34,000. If you can make this run on Thesis your plug-in would make you a star. Many “low-code” users are in need of this. Widgets and meta boxes are cumbersome and not practical. The solution may be quite simple and if you are trying to build a business this is the way to do it. Further, it has a 30-day money back guarantee! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

    Thread Starter marquex


    But it is not a investment, the plugin has been downloaded 10,000+ times, wordpress blogs on the internet are more than 14 millions and the donations received don’t reach 20$. Even if the 34,000 thesis users downloaded the plugin, i wouldn’t get enough to pay the cheapest license.

    I developed the plugin for the blogs I create and have no problems in sharing it with the world, but spending money in something I won’t use it’s not the point…

    But, if somebody from thesis wanted to donate a license to me, i wouldn’t have any problem in fixing the issue… it would be good for the thesis comunity!! ??

    You miss the point. Your exposure to this community gives you a platform for building a business. People do not donate at will. Plug-ins are given away by most developers to drive more lucrative development business. People do pay for more comprehensive services and your credibility is greatly enhanced by the popularity of your sample work and plug-ins. If this is not your business interest then I understand. But if it is, there are numerous examples of developers building nice businesses through this process. This is a powerfully important channel you are failing to tap. More important, they give it to you for free for 30 days. You could probably get it done in less time than you think over a few days. Meanwhile you can float the cost and get a credit if you have no need for the theme, which by the way is growing in popularity for good reason. If you are seeking to build a developer business, then you have nothing to loose, so I do not see any good reason for resistance. 30 DAYS FREE LOOK. A major opportunity to tap into an active U.S. user base that you can market your services to.

    Thread Starter marquex


    I get your point nyvc, but that’s a bussiness point of view that requires a lot of time and effort. My career as plugin maker is just casual, i don’t want to make a life of it. I share my plugins for free and i don’t have problems in helping people that are using them if i have time, but i won’t spend my money on it. Can’t they help you with the custom sidebars issue?

    The ‘not getting free help’ is another problem of using not open software like thesis theme, you will depend on a paid system for every support you need.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice!!

    I’d like to offer a solution which doesn’t involve anybody having to buy Thesis. Under my Thesis license, I can install Thesis on as many of my own sites as I want. I can set up a new WP install on a subdomain, add the Thesis theme and custom sidebar widget, and provide marquex admin access to WP, and FTP access to the WP directory. marquex, would that give you what you need to work on the compatibility problem, provided of course that you have the time to look at this problem?

    Thread Starter marquex


    Ok Dulcimer,

    If you do all those things to try to solve the problem, how can I say no?

    Why don’t we follow discussing this problem in a new forum thread:

    It will easier for everybody.

    Thread Starter marquex


    Thesis theme problems solved in v0.7.1, thanks to Dulcimer. Don’t forget to say the plugin works on the plugin repository. Thanks!

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