Yes, I agree. That would be great! Also, in settings, I would like to be able to assign my own class in which the image would appear. So, wherever I have that class assigned in a template, there is the bg image if the criteria in settings is met.
Ideally, in my application, the settings area would enable me in selecting the category, image (or color) and the style class/id. Then, in Post screen, there is a checkbox next to each category select checkbox (that was assigned in settings) that will enable the image or not.
Better still, I would REALLY love to have thumbnails in the Post / Page routine in the right column. These were assigned to appear via the Post Background settings. Just select one and it is the bg no matter if post, page or archive as long as the assigned class/id or call to function is in the themes template.
Or maybe even not a class but:
In template file(s)
if (the on/off switch) }
<div style=”background:url(<?php cpb(image) ?>) <?php cpb(repeat) ?>; “>
Which would allow the sizes of the area to be set along with other theme specific stylings.
And world peace…
However, just “by category” would be great for now!
GREAT plugin as it is. Thanks for it..