First FAQ states –
How do I format the <u>newly created Archive Pages</u>?
This plugin implements an extension of the WordPress templating framework. In descending order, <u>each custom archive will look for these files</u> in your template directory:
* date-{post-type}.php (Only if is_date())
* author-{post-type}.php (Only if is_author())
* category-{post-type}.php (Only if is_category())
* archive-{post-type}.php (Only if is_custom_archive({post-type}))
* archive-custom.php (Only if is_custom_archive())
* archive.php
* index.php
In each of the above examples, {post-type} is replaced by the custom post type name, or an alphabetically sorted list of post types separated by a _, for pages where multiple post types are shown.
To the uninitiated (even experienced site developers like me stepping into custom post and taxonomy types for the first time), the wording of that faq ~~ “newly created archive pages” ~~ and ~~ “look for files” ~~ implies the plug-in will have created those pages in readiness for use, and that the formatting in the question refers to then editing those auto-created pages.
It also implies that the pagetype-{post-type} for each pre-existing custom post type configured on the site, will also be auto-created (by copying and renaming the appropriate core theme template (archive.php single.php) ?) with the custom post type name appended.
Sorry Jacob, but that’s how it reads to me. It needs almost completely rewritten to clarify what is, and what is not, done by the plugin.
Additionally, the description page in the plugin repository states –
For each custom post type, if you click “active” and enter a slug-name, this plugin will create:
* An archive page
* Date archives
* Author archives
* Category archives
* RSS Feeds
There is no ambiguity in that – it is stating that it WILL create a new archive page for each custom post type ( archive-{post-type}.php ) when in fact it does not, and your response above states it will not. Perhaps the above list should have the first item changed to “An archive page virtual permalink” or something similar? With then an explanation of what that is, and how it works, and why its both needed, and an extension of the WordPress core system?
It (the description page list) also implies, by extension of the above comments, that it will create php files for the Date, Author, and Category archives (I don’t think any even moderately experienced WordPress admin would expect it to create a new php file for RSS feeds, but newbies might expect that – again, it needs clarified in the description text).
Conclusion : It does not do what it says on the label = misrepresentation of the plugin’s capabilities.
Either the plugin needs updated to do what the current description says it does, or the description needs edited to clearly reflect what the plugin will actually do. The description needs written for the lowest expected level of site builder experience and knowledge (or a clear warning to avoid it if you are not an advanced developer).
Just trying to be helpful (to you as well as others)
Edit: typos and clarification statements