Re creating forms for the front-end, yes, that would be helpful, and that’s already a feature request: — if you’ve got a paying gig, I can prioritize development.
Re the template code, you can look at the formatting template: tpls/samples/single_post.tpl. Is that what you mean? You can override this formatting tpl by putting a copy inside wp-content/uploads/cctm/tpls/samples (just like all other templates).
My thought here is that the user can and should touch the HTML. One of the big architectural limitations of WordPress is that it puts so much code in the views that it quickly becomes difficult to maintain: it tries to do too much stuff for you and it undoubtedly fails when you do a lot of customizations. A site’s data model can be highly customized, so the presentation of that data must be equally customized.
So my goals here were to present a plausible demonstration and leave the customizations to the user (who presumably knows better what he wants better than any automated process).
Also note that the custom field samples are dependent on the output filters used: so the examples here aren’t straightforwardly generated. I.e. if you change the default output for a field or you make it repeatable, the sample code changes. See the docs on extending the CCTM_OutputFilter class (the get_example()
function): or take a look at how the examples are generated by the classes in the filters/ folder.
All that said, if you have some code you’d like to see in the sample templates, then file an issue in the issue-tracker and share your code there and I’d be happy to look at it: