I was getting the same problem on WordPress 3.1, but this plugin seemed the best option for the one-off import I needed to do.
So I did some debugging, and the following fixes sorted it out:
Line 60: Insert each user – WordPress doesn’t seem to like a string in the table argument – first defining $table_name works. Also my Installatron automatic installed WordPress with NO table prefix! So of course ‘wp-users’ was wrong – I needed ‘users’.
The following code fixes these two issues:
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'users';
$wpdb->insert( $table_name, $arr_user );
Line 81: Same problem with the user meta insert, code to fix it is:
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'usermeta';
$wpdb->insert( $table_name, $arr_meta );
Line 48: my Excel generated csv file worked with the above fixed, but the email addresses had line feeds after them, hence didn’t work correctly when identifying users or sending emails. A simple trim does the job:
// firstname, lastname, username, password
$firstname = $arr_values[0];
$lastname = $arr_values[1];
$username = trim($arr_values[2]);
$password = trim($arr_values[3]);
$user_email = trim($arr_values[4]);
Line 70: the name of the meta value wp_capabilities also seems to be dependent on the table prefix, which as standard is wp_. Mine was actually just ‘capabilities’ though, so the subscriber role was not getting picked up. Here’s the fix:
// add default meta values
$arr_meta_values = array(
'nickname' => $username,
'rich_editing' => "true",
'comment_shortcuts' => "false",
'admin_color' => "fresh",
$wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities' => 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}',
'first_name' => $firstname,
'last_name' => $lastname,
'default_password_nag' => "1"
As mentioned elsewhere, I also change the php open tag to be the proper <?php
I hope that helps, I can share my version if anyone wants it, or if Andy would like to integrate them back into the plugin.