[Plugin: CSV Importer] Custom Taxonomies not importing
I have read the other threads in here and still cant get custom taxonomies to import.
In the readme.txt file it says Top level terms have to be preceded
either by an empty string or a 0 (zero). But there is no example of this in the custom-taxonomies.csv file.I had trouble with excel outputting quotes, but then I tried outputting it from Access instead, which gave me the quotes, but still no luck.
I have tried adding zeros before the term like: “0, Aged Care / Health” but this had no affect either.
The only difference I see is that the sample file uses “post” where I am trying to import into “projects” which is my custom post type.
if (!is_taxonomy('sector')) { register_taxonomy( 'sector', array('project', 'client'), array( 'hierarchical' => true, 'label' => 'Sector', 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'sector' ),/* !any permalink url must be unique */ 'with_front' => false ) ); wp_insert_term('Aged Care / Health', 'sector');
If any one has any ideas, it would be appreciated.
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