• Hi Mr. Weinert,

    Thank you for creating a great plug in! I was hoping you would consider adding the ability to have captions for each slide. I have seen other sliders that take the title attribute of an image and overlay it on top of the corresponding slide, and it would be great if cSlider had a similar option.

    This is merely a suggestion; cSlider is wonderful as is.

    Thanks again, and keep up the good work!


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  • Plugin Author julian.weinert


    Thanks for the kind words!
    Unfortunately we don’t have as much time for webdevelopment as we’d like anymore.

    We stepped into some very serious iOS projects and it is not so easy to find time for this anymore.

    I’ll try to collect issues, bugs and suggestions, like yours, and provide a big update when I got enough stuff to do on this plugin :))

    So thanks for the idea and the kind words again.

    Best regards,


    I use bxSlider in a lot of projects, and cSlider is a nice WordPress implementation of that popular jQuery slider.

    Although the cSlider plugin does not enable captions by default, it’s easy enough to do it, as I have done for a couple of projects. It just takes a minor modification of the core cslider plugin file:

    1) In the cslider plugin folder, find and open the cslider.php file (you may want to make a back up copy first before modifying any native plugin code).

    2) In cslider.php file find the “$htmlOutput” block

    3) Add the 2 lines of code below to the list of options in this block (for example after the “mode:” or “speed:” lines):

    captions: ‘true’,
    captionsSelector: ‘.captions’,

    The first line initializes the captions option.

    The second line sets up a CSS class selector (.captions). Note: This captionSelector can be a class or ID division and can be named most anything. This lets you position the captions and style them with CSS, for example by adding desired CSS rules in your theme’s style.css file.

    4) Save the cslider.php file.

    If this is a new cslider installation, follow the install directions. If cslider already is installed, upload this modified file to the cSlider plugin folder to overwrite the default file. Follow normal rules for updating plugins first.

    5) Refer to the bxSlider web site (https://bxslider.com) for how to implement your captions.

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