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  • I’m at the same stage. I can get pretty photo to work if I provide a rel=”prettyPhoto” on the link surrounding the image.

    My understanding was to replace rel=”prettyPhoto” with rel=”lightbox” but that just turns off prettyPhoto. Also, I just updated to 1.0.2 but I don’t see any new options involving how it works with prettyPhoto.

    I can’t point you to an example as it’s just on a non-public facing local host while I start to play with WP.

    Appreciate your work on this plugin, looking forward to getting it working.

    Ok, I found out what’s going on in terms of lightbox not working. In 1.0.2 there is a comma missing on line 64 before “changepicturecallback”. When I add the comma replacing “prettyPhoto” with “lightbox” brings up prettyPhoto with the add note option.

    Thread Starter christophe913


    Hi scripple,

    Thanks for the research. I’m very new to this.

    Could you please send me the code-snippet?

    – What do I have to fill in in the field “jQuery Selector” (in the Cropnote-module on the dashboard)? Do I have to leave it empty?
    – And what do I have to fill in in the field “prettyPhoto Selector” (in the PrettyPhoto-module on the dashboard)?

    Still not working for me…

    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter christophe913



    My testpage is:

    Plugin Author jrmeadows2


    Hi christophe,

    I’m still new to using SVN (the source control for the wordpress plugins). It looks like my latest version, 1.0.2, didn’t get uploaded correctly. The intention is for you to be able to have control over some settings related to prettyPhoto – so you can direct the plugin to use “prettyPhoto” or “lightbox” or whatever you like.

    I will upload version 1.0.3 this evening which will fix the problem. In the meantime, if you change prettyPhoto Selector to lightbox and edit line 64 of cropnote.php as Scripple says, like so:

    From this: var opts = { theme: ‘<?php echo $options[‘prettyPhoto’][‘theme’]; ?>’, <?php echo $options[‘prettyPhoto’][‘custom’]; ?> changepicturecallback:

    To this: var opts = { theme: ‘<?php echo $options[‘prettyPhoto’][‘theme’]; ?>’, <?php echo $options[‘prettyPhoto’][‘custom’]; ?>, changepicturecallback:

    Note there is a comma before the word “changepicturecallback:”

    Sorry for the goof! I hope the plugin is useful for you.

    Thread Starter christophe913


    I’m looking forward to it!

    Fingers crossed!


    Plugin Author jrmeadows2


    Hi Cristophe,

    I’ve uploaded version 1.0.3. Let me know if it works for you!


    Thread Starter christophe913


    Hello Jeff!

    Thanks for your efforts, but the new version of cropnote is not working for me. I’ve tried really everything!

    So, I have 2 plugins:
    – PrettyPhoto Media
    – Cropnote

    1. Actual settings of PrettyPhoto Media
    – load stylesheet: enabled
    – Script location: footer
    – prettyPhoto selector: prettyPhoto (I changed it also in lightbox, but nothing happened)
    – prettyPhoto hook: rel
    – WP galleries: enabled (utilise prettyPhoto to display WordPress image galleries by default)
    – Show Twitter: disabled
    – Show Facebook: disabled
    – Theme: default theme

    2. Actual settings of Cropnote
    – Cropnote Status: enabled
    – jQuery Selector: #pp_full_res (I tried also to leave it empty)
    – Generate image ID automatically: enabled
    – Unique notes per post: enabled
    – Show note author info: enabled
    – Show note author gravatar: enabled
    – Use clicks instead of hover: ‘only for mobile devices’
    – Action message: ‘only for mobile devices’
    – prettyPhoto selector: lightbox (I tried also prettyPhoto, without result)
    – prettyPhoto theme: prettyPhoto default
    – prettyPhoto custom options: (I didn’t change anything here)

    but no ‘Add Note’-button for me…

    Jeff, I also noticed that in your new uploaded code (1.0.3.), the comma before ‘changepicturecallback’ is still missing. Is that normal?
    I changed it, but no result.

    I tried almost everything I guess, I created also new pages, with new galleries or individual pictures but nothing changed.

    This is my link:

    Maybe you have a solution… I hope.

    Thanks in advance for all your efforts,

    Plugin Author jrmeadows2


    Hi Christophe,

    Thanks for your patience and for all the feedback.

    I finally understand the problem you are having. It looks like my plugin isn’t very compatible with prettyPhoto Media. The reason is that both plugins try to call prettyPhoto on your images; in this case, it appears that the options that my cropnote plugin are using for prettyPhoto are overwritten by the prettyPhoto Media plugin.

    I am not 100% sure how to make these plugins more compatible in the general case. I’ll have to think about the correct solution.

    In the meantime, if you edit my plugin (cropnote.php) line 376

    From: add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘load_image_annotation_js’);

    To: add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘load_image_annotation_js’, 1000);

    Then cropnote prettyPhoto options will overwrite prettyPhoto Media’s options and you should be good to go.

    Test page:

    Thread Starter christophe913


    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for your support! It works!

    So eventually, these are my settings for the 2 plugins (+ change line 376 in cropnote.php)

    1. Actual settings of PrettyPhoto Media
    – load stylesheet: enabled
    – Script location: footer
    – prettyPhoto selector: prettyPhoto
    – prettyPhoto hook: rel
    – WP galleries: enabled (utilise prettyPhoto to display WordPress image galleries by default)
    – Show Twitter: disabled
    – Show Facebook: disabled
    – Theme: default theme

    2. Actual settings of Cropnote
    – Cropnote Status: enabled
    – jQuery Selector: #pp_full_res
    – Generate image ID automatically: enabled
    – Unique notes per post: enabled
    – Show note author info: enabled
    – Show note author gravatar: enabled
    – Use clicks instead of hover: ‘only for mobile devices’
    – Action message: ‘only for mobile devices’
    – prettyPhoto selector: prettyPhoto
    – prettyPhoto theme: prettyPhoto default
    – prettyPhoto custom options: (I didn’t change anything here)

    So the lightbox appears with the “Add note” button. Great!

    Another question Jeff: do you know how to customize the lightbox. I’m asking you this because the “next”-arrow and “previous”-arrow disappeared.

    Thanks in advance for all your help,


    Thread Starter christophe913


    Hi Jeff,

    I’ve just noticed another problem.
    It seems that the “add note”-button only appears when I’m logged in on my account.

    If someone else visits my site the “add note”-button is gone.
    I noticed the same problem at your website:

    Wrong settings?


    Thread Starter christophe913


    mmmmm… it seems to be that the “add note” button disappeared still

    Plugin Author jrmeadows2


    Hi Crishtophe,

    I’m glad you got it working on your site. The default permissions for Cropnote don’t allow anonymous users to add notes. You can change that behavior by clicking on the Permissions tab of Cropnote’s settings page. You can allow anonymous users to add notes by checking the box corresponding to Anonymous User and Add Notes. Then the Add Note button should show up for a user that isn’t logged in.

    It looks like you found the lightbox customization settings as well. Is that correct?

    Hi guys, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here, I was looking for the code you mentioned above, but on line 376 in cropnote.php I get:
    “register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, ‘cropnote_uninstall’);”
    instead of:
    “add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘load_image_annotation_js’);”

    and on line 64 I get a blank line Instead of:
    “var opts = { theme: ‘<?php echo $options[‘prettyPhoto’][‘theme’]; ?>’, <?php echo $options[‘prettyPhoto’][‘custom’]; ?> changepicturecallback:”

    am I looking at the right script here? I opened cropnote.php from within my plugins folder.

    Anyway, I’m getting really excited about this, as I wanted to have this feature on my site for ages and no other plugin seemed to get so close to working as yours does ??

    Plugin Author jrmeadows2


    Hi metwo,

    My post with those line numbers was based on a previous version. In version 1.0.3, which is the current version, you would change line 371 instead of line 376. The “var opts” line is now on line 66.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


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