• Resolved jmviade



    Yesterday I installed this plugin but I can’t work with it because I can’t register any Custom Post Type.

    I constantly receive the message: “The post type name, “AnyName”, already exists.”

    I doesn’t matter what is the Name that I use -Planet, Cars, Actors…- I always receive the same message.

    I’ve been testing some other plugins but now I’m working with WP without any other plugin.

    What can I do?


    Joan Miquel Viadé


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  • Hey!

    You’re not the first to experience this bug. I believe I’ve fixed it in the next upgrade, or at least made it easy to disable the post type name validation, but until then it would probably be best to just go into the javascript file and comment out the validation.

    I have the email you sent me. I’ll email you to help you figure out how to disable the validation.

    Thread Starter jmviade


    Thank’s a lot, Rachel.

    Just installed 1.1 and this bug still lingers…

    Sorry guys. I’ve added some info to the FAQ page to (hopefully) help you out:

    This is a jQuery “bug” that only seems to plague a few. I’ve noticed that this validation standstill will occur if you have any text printed outside the <body> element on your page. If that’s not the case, and the problem still lingers after you’ve upgraded to version 1.1, you can dequeue the validation script by placing the following code in your functions.php file:

    add_action( 'admin_head', 'my_website_admin_head' );
    function my_website_admin_head() {
    	wp_dequeue_script( 'custom-post-type-onomies-admin-options-validate' );

    Cheers, that does fix it. Up until now I’d just renamed the js-file itself.

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