• Resolved David Artiss


    I’ve been having some problems today where the plugin wasn’t return a country code no matter what. At first I thought it was the IP from work but when I tried at home I was getting the same response.

    The cache data was showing the correct IP but no country code. I commented out the part of the code that attempts to retrieve it from cache and that fixed it – it would appear that the wrong country code was being held in cache.

    I’ve therefore looked at the transient cache in my wp-options table and can see that of the 1192 caches that the plugin has made only 230 have country codes – the remaining are blank. This suggests to me that there’s a problem with either the code look-up or the cache storage. The country codes are from lots of different countries, nothing specific.

    I’m also concerned that the stats show that not a single user has so far opted in or out.

    If it helps at all I’ve attached the debug information to the bottom of this post – it was generated whilst it was still failing. Meantime I’m going to disable the plugin until you can get to the bottom of the problems.

    I see the cache is retained for 24 hours – is there also a possibility of making this changeable in the options screen?


    <!– Cookillian Debug Information:
    array (
    ‘Will handle the cookies’ => true,
    ‘Is the visitor logged in’ => false,
    ‘Is Admin (not AJAX)’ => false,
    ‘Country list OK’ => true,
    ‘Detected remote IP address of the visitor’ => ‘’,
    ‘2-letter code of detected country’ => ”,
    ‘Name of detected country’ => ‘Unknown’,
    ‘Block cookies for this country’ => false,
    ‘Visitor has opted-in’ => false,
    ‘Visitor has opted-out’ => false,

    Generated On: Mon, 21 May 2012 19:04:14 GMT
    Cookillian Version: 1.0.10
    PHP Version: 5.3.8
    Memory Usage: 25.51 MB Peak, 25.44 MB Current, 256 MB Max permitted by PHP
    Available PHP Extensions: Core, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, SPL, iconv, session, intl, json, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql, mysqli, standard, Phar, posix, pspell, Reflection, imap, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, exif, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, cgi-fcgi, OAuth, timezonedb, imagick, PDO, pdo_sqlite, SQLite, pdo_mysql, ionCube Loader, Zend Guard Loader
    Pf4wp Version: 1.0.10
    Pf4wp APC Enabled: No
    WordPress Version: 3.3.2
    WordPress Debug Mode: Yes
    Active WordPress Theme: WP-Clear Child
    Active WordPress Plugins: ‘Cookillian’ by Mike Green (Myatu)
    Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.46 Safari/536.5
    Server: Apache
    Server OS: Linux callisto.servers.eqx.misp.co.uk #10 SMP Tue Dec 27 12:08:57 GMT 2011 x86_64
    Database Version: 5.1.62-cll
    Template Engine Version: Twig 1.7.0


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  • Thread Starter David Artiss


    Did a little more digging. Switched the plugin off and cleared down the cache. Modified your code so that it would only save the cache if a result was returned and nothing is being saved.

    Now realised too that the prompt is coming up each time as well.

    Seems horribly broken (certainly on my site).


    Anonymous User 4048828


    In “Debug Mode”, the prompt will always appear, which is intentional. I am considering that it will only be the case for those logged in though.

    I will address the issue about the IP’s and a more intuitive caching. I’ll keep you posted.

    Anonymous User 4048828


    I’ve just pushed version 1.0.17 through.

    There was a type check for the cached results that shouldn’t have been there, which kept the plugin from trying to fetch the right country code if it hadn’t got one, within that 24-hour window. There was also a bit of awkward code in the geoPlugin section that needed fixing.

    There’s now also the option to show an alert if the country could not be determined, which is enabled by default.

    Because relying on a remote service can give some inconsistent results (or better put: reliability issues), I’ve added the option to add the MaxMind GeoLite (free) or GeoIP (££) Country database to Cookillian, as well as support for the Apache/NginX modules. This reduces reliance on a remote service, and is better for higher-traffic sites (especially when using the modules).

    Also, to give immediate feedback to the plugin administrator, the IP and detected location is shown on the Settings page now. This gives an indication if the selected geolocation service is working (or not).

    As for the alert continuously showing in Debug Mode, this has been changed to always show the alert only if the user is logged in, otherwise it would display the alert as usual – the debug information is still there though.

    I hope this will improve things a bit!

    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Thanks for that prompt work – greatly appreciated. I’ll get the new release installed and tested!


    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Didn’t get far. If you I go into the option screens it simply shows a red box with the message…

    Warning! No CloudFlare Geolocation data detected.

    The Cookies title is displayed along with the 3 menu options (which you can select) but no settings are listed.


    Anonymous User 4048828


    Hmm, that’s new! Does PHP give any errors if you enable WP_DEBUG in wp_config.php?

    Thread Starter David Artiss


    I have that enabled by default (I’m running it on a test installation), however, it doesn’t appear as the page is physically breaking.

    The bottom of the page source is (I’ve replaced some of the filename to hide the URL of my test account)…

    <div id="message" class="error"><p><strong>Warning!</strong> No CloudFlare Geolocation data detected.</p></div><div class="wrap"><div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"></div><h2>Cookies</h2><div><ul class="subsubsub">
    <li><a href="[removed]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=k2NTI3O">Settings</a> | </li>
    <li><a href="[removed]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=k2NTI3O&sub=N3ZjVlN">Cookies <span class="count">(22)</span></a> | </li>
    <li><a href="[removed]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=k2NTI3O&sub=i5ODk3Z">Statistics</a></li>
    </div><div class="clear"></div><div>

    The thing is, the error is correct. I believe I have CloudFlare active but I don’t have an account for my test site. However, the reporting of this error is breaking the page, preventing me from turning it off.


    Anonymous User 4048828


    Found the error. Will push out a quick fix ASAP. Has to do with disabled functions.

    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Thanks for the quick fix.

    Sorry if I’m being a pain. However, I think this is the best plugin for cookie management available for WordPress but unless it’s 100% I don’t want to activate something that would either just not work (and hence not abide by ICO regulations) or annoy site visitors!

    I’ve already put a positive write-up about it on my site (artiss.co.uk) and will update it in time with the new feature details and the fact that I’ll be (hopefully!) using it on my site.


    Anonymous User 4048828


    Not to worry, I’d rather have someone tell me it’s broken, so I can fix it, than not at all and have me wonder why no one is using it ??

    I’m currently attempting to upload the fix, though WordPress’ SVN is a extremely touchy today. If you’d rather not wish to wait, the file that needs changing is at GitHub: https://github.com/Myatu/Cookillian-WP/blob/master/app/Myatu/WordPress/Cookillian/Main.php

    Thread Starter David Artiss


    I’ll wait. Just been uploading one my own to SVN, so I feel your pain!


    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Got it installed and will try it out thoroughly tomorrow – the options screen is working now, though! Many thanks.

    Is it worth adding an extra column to the stats page to show those who had auto opt-out because they had DONOTTRACK active?

    Otherwise, the only option (off the top of my head) that I’d still like to see is the ability to select the cache time and, optionally, clear it.

    One last thing – the latest version didn’t show in my WordPress admin. It was on 1.0.17 and didn’t show that a newer one was available, so I had to manually download it and install it via FTP. I don’t know if this is anything to do with the version numbers or just WP only checking for updates occasionally. Anyway, I thought I’d mention it.


    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Sorry, found a problem. If I sign out of my test site and access the front page I get the prompt, as I should. However, if I accept cookies the message is disappearing and then immediately re-appearing. This keeps happening whenever I state that I wish to keep cookies.

    Debug information is…

    <!– Cookillian Debug Information:
    array (
    ‘Will handle the cookies’ => false,
    ‘Is the visitor logged in’ => true,
    ‘Is Admin (not AJAX)’ => false,
    ‘Country list OK’ => true,
    ‘Detected remote IP address of the visitor’ => ‘’,
    ‘2-letter code of detected country’ => ‘GB’,
    ‘Name of detected country’ => ‘United Kingdom’,
    ‘Block cookies for this country’ => true,
    ‘Visitor has opted-in’ => true,
    ‘Visitor has opted-out’ => false,

    Also, would it be possible if the selected GeoLocation site fails to attempt to use another?


    Thread Starter David Artiss


    BTW, the Cookillian cookie is ticked as “required”. I’ve also switched off any script minification and caching to ensure that none of those are clashing.

    The Cookillian cookie contains “1” and the header of the site shows that I’ve opted in, so I’m unsure as to why the prompt is therefore re-appearing.

    However, I suspect you may need to look at my site to assist. The URL is https://www.artiss.co.uk/sandbox


    Anonymous User 4048828


    I’ve looked at that, and that gave me a rather surprising result. At first I couldn’t replicate the problem locally, using the various settings and looking at the source code. So looked at what the browser itself was doing.

    When someone clicks the “No” button, it’ll go to the same page (but with ?cookillian_resp=0 attached to the URI) so Cookillian can handle the response. In your case, Cookillian did so without a problem, set a cookie with the opt-out choice and sent you back to where you were. However, which differs from what I’ve tested so far, it pulled up a cached HTML page from the browser – never a fresh copy from your website. A subsequent refresh on the browser forced the cache to be refreshed, and the alert was gone like it was supposed to.

    I’ve noticed your server responds with “max-age=1800”, which I’ve seen only with local caches like W3TC. I will need to find a work-around for that, hoping that adding a random query argument would be sufficient to force a refresh.

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