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  • @Myatu: Hi, the information regarding message does not load above my sites header but behind it. When looking at the source the div cookillian-alert loads before my sites div for the main-container.
    Is there anyway to change the behaviour so that it loads at top of page and not behind the header or my sites main-container?

    Anonymous User 4048828


    @ninostar: Cookillian will delete those generated by WordPress or other WordPress plugins.

    However, if Javascript is used on the website and they generate cookies, then these may not be deleted. For this reason there’s the option to include Javascript only when the visitor has opted in.

    Examples of Javascripts that set cookies are: Google Ads, Google Analytics, Tweet button, Facebook “Like” button, Add This bookmarklet and Disqus.

    Note: under the Advanced Settings you can select whether to delete cookies before *or* after; in your case you’d have to ensure it’s before.

    @sonderend: This can happen when the theme uses “absolute” positioning for the main <div> element. There are a few options:

    – You can set Display Alert to Manually. Then either within the theme itself, you need to add <php cookillian_insert_alert_block(); ?> or in a footer/sidebar widget of Text-type, you add [cookillian_alert].

    – Or, you can provide your own Alert Style, which includes a z-index of, say, 10 (the higher it is, the further on top of other content it appears).

    @Myatu: Thanks for the quick reply.
    – I’ve tried the shortcode method in a footer widget by adding [cookillian_alert] to a text widget and all it does is display the shortcode.
    – Tried changing the z-index to 10 which is set to 9999 by default in the pub.css, no luck there.
    – I added the php code to the header.php, changed the style.css main-container position to relative and this sorted the layout issue.

    But when I click on the “No! Only store this answer, but nothing else” button. No cookies are removed. The usual cookies (_utmz, __utmc, __utmb, __utma I think these are the google analytics cookies)are present and the your (cookillian_opt_out) cookie which I think is expected because of choosing the opt out option.

    Am I missing an option to select?

    @Myatu: I’ve identified those cookies as belonging to the WordPress SEO plugin By Joost de Valk. Am I correct in thinking that Cookillian should delete these cookies if I have the option set to delete before selected under advanced settings checked?

    Anonymous User 4048828


    @sonderend: Regarding the short code, that was my mistake: it’s [cookillian alert] and can only be used in a widget if the theme process shortcodes in widgets – sorry.

    As for the cookies you are seeing (__utmc, __utmb, etc), these are tracking cookies commonly set by JavaScript code such as Google Analytics. Such JavaScript needs to be moved into the provided areas of Cookillian.

    If this proves difficult, for example the cookies are indeed set using JavaScript used by the WordPress SEO plugin (which I haven’t verified), then you may need a little helper script. I have provided an example in a post (Cookillan and JavaScript) on my site, which might be of help.

    Just a word of caution: Cookillian is not a stop-gap solution, but it assists with the EU/UK cookie law compliance. There is still some work involved in making websites fully compliant, albeit less. In particular it is the use of Javascript (the setting 3rd party cookies); for example, does not set its own cookies prior to consent, but appears to allow 3rd party cookies (Twitter and Facebook).

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