Hi Andy,
Great thanks for the info, very helpful! That makes me more confident in my suspicion that it’s the spectrum jQuery plugin not interacting with your theme (themes load after plugins and can overwrite a lot of settings, causing issues I cant always test for here).
The script is not strictly speaking needed, as it should degrade to text boxes. You could try commenting out the enqueue_script lines that call spectrum?
In function cookielawinfo_custom_dashboard_styles( $hook ):
wp_enqueue_script('spectrum-colorpicker', plugins_url('/cookie-law-info/admin/bgrins-spectrum/spectrum.js'), array('jquery'));
wp_register_style( 'spectrum-style', plugins_url('/cookie-law-info/admin/bgrins-spectrum/spectrum.css') );
wp_enqueue_style( 'spectrum-style' );
In function cookielawinfo_custom_dashboard_styles_my_colours()
wp_enqueue_script('spectrum-custom', plugins_url('/cookie-law-info/admin/bgrins-spectrum/my-colours.js'));
In the mean time I’ll see if I can add a setting to the admin panel to override the script if required. If you could, let me know if that works.