[Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] Adding author to the display
To add the author into the information displayed along with the thumbnail, title, and excerpt.
Line 63 in version 1.6.3if ((is_int($post->ID))&&($stuff != '')) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ID,post_title,post_date,post_content,post_author," . "MATCH(post_title,post_content) AGAINST ('".$stuff."') AS score " . "FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE " . "MATCH (post_title,post_content) AGAINST ('".$stuff."') " . "AND post_date <= '".$now."' " . "AND post_status = 'publish' " . "AND id != ".$post->ID." "; if ($crp_settings['exclude_pages']) $sql .= "AND post_type = 'post' "; $sql .= "ORDER BY score DESC "; $search_counter = 0; $searches = $wpdb->get_results($sql); } else { $searches = false; } $output = '<div id="crp_related">'; if($searches){ $output .= (stripslashes($crp_settings[title])); $output .= $crp_settings['before_list']; foreach($searches as $search) { $categorys = get_the_category($search->ID); //Fetch categories of the plugin $p_in_c = false; // Variable to check if post exists in a particular category $title = get_the_title($search->ID); foreach ($categorys as $cat) { // Loop to check if post exists in excluded category $p_in_c = (in_array($cat->cat_ID, $exclude_categories)) ? true : false; if ($p_in_c) break; // End loop if post found in category } if (!$p_in_c) { $related_auth = get_author_by_id($search->post_author); $related_auth = $related_auth->display_name; $output .= $crp_settings['before_list_item']; if (($crp_settings['post_thumb_op']=='inline')||($crp_settings['post_thumb_op']=='thumbs_only')) { $output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($search->ID).'" rel="bookmark">'; if ((function_exists('has_post_thumbnail')) && (has_post_thumbnail($search->ID))) { $output .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $search->ID, array($crp_settings[thumb_width],$crp_settings[thumb_height]), array('title' => $title,'alt' => $title,'class' => 'crp_thumb','border' => '0')); } else { $postimage = get_post_meta($search->ID, $crp_settings[thumb_meta], true); if ((!$postimage)&&($crp_settings['scan_images'])) { preg_match_all( '|<img.*?src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*?>|i', $search->post_content, $matches ); // any image there? if( isset( $matches ) && $matches[1][0] ) { $postimage = $matches[1][0]; // we need the first one only! } } if (!$postimage) $postimage = $crp_settings[thumb_default]; $output .= '<img src="'.$postimage.'" alt="'.$title.'" title="'.$title.'" width="'.$crp_settings[thumb_width].'" height="'.$crp_settings[thumb_height].'" border="0" class="crp_thumb" />'; } $output .= '</a> '; } if (($crp_settings['post_thumb_op']=='inline')||($crp_settings['post_thumb_op']=='text_only')) { $output .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($search->ID).'" rel="bookmark" class="crp_title"><span>'.$title.'</span><span class="auth"> By '.$related_auth.'</span><span class="more title" rel="bookmark">READ MORE »</span></a>'; } if ($crp_settings['show_excerpt']) { $output .= '<span class="crp_excerpt"> '.crp_excerpt($search->post_content,$crp_settings['excerpt_length']).'</span>'; } $output .= $crp_settings['after_list_item']; $search_counter++; } if ($search_counter == $limit) break; // End loop when related posts limit is reached }
It also adds a READ MORE call to action link right after the author, if you make them block elements it adds to a nice display of information under the thumbnail.
The last bracket there ends right before
if ($crp_settings['show_credit']) {
So copy this and paste up until then. For later versions and questionable starting lines, it goes right after the if/else ofif($crp_settings['match_content']) {
Hope this helps someone!
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