Thank you fro fixing that bug. The content is no longer disappearing, however another bug has cropped up.
Here is the shortcode I have put into a test page:
‘[cbl country=”US”]
US Residents only should see this.
[cbl country=”DE”]
German Residents only should see this.
[cbl country=”FR”]
French Residents only should see this.
This is a strange bug. Here is what happens:
When I view the page from the US, I see the proper message for the US. When I view the page from a German IP address, I see the proper message for Germany. If I then view the page from a French IP address, all I see is the German message. If I then update the page from WordPress page and view t from the French IP address first, I see the French message. Then if I view it again from a German IP address I see the French message still.
It seems that it locks the content to whichever the first country I view it from. If France was viewed first, all other countries only see the France message. If Germany views it first, all other countries only see the German message. I have tried viewing this from Canada and the UK as well and all seem to be behaving the same. The only country that seems to consistently work is the US.