• Hello Joachim,

    This is a great plugin that has worked perfectly until just recently when we started using the All in one event calendar plugin. It seems as if the custom post taxonomies are not being seen by CAS. Only the default sidebar will appear on our event posts. I’ve been through the setting multiple times to assure all is well there. I noticed the post by Marfarma regarding “Custom Post Types not seen when created by plugin”, but we’re using V0.7, so I’ve discounted there being a problem there. Could the confusion be related to our event template being named single-ai1ec_event.php? I’m probably reaching for straws with that idea. Obviously, I could use your insight. Any direction that you could provide would be greatly appreciated!



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  • Supported taxonomy for Company post type is only Industries. Taxonomy is set for all Companies. If I check ‘Show with all Industries’, then the Company will still have to be with event category Career, right?

    I understand your idea about the logic of the plugin, so thanks for making clear that indeed our condition can’t be met.

    Under your reasoning, I can’t wait for the independency setting ;). Adds enormous flexibility and also allows for sidebars shown on a wide variety of pages, like ours for Career. I’d even argue that sidebars with independent rules are more common than with dependent rules, as complex dependent rules can be appropriately enhanced by specific styles in CSS, rather than by added HTML through your plugin.


    Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    If you check both supported (Industries) and unsupported (Event category) taxonomy types, it should work. The rules are independent when it comes to content of the same type (i.e. checking pages and posts will not mean that the content would have to be of both page and post type). So when you set an appropriate taxonomy, it will work. Remember this:

    Does this content support taxonomies, if yes, which, if no, stop.
    Does this content have any terms of the supported taxonomies, if yes, which, if no, stop.
    Sidebars containing either no taxonomy rules, the taxonomies or the terms (while complying with the other content rules) are pulled from the database.

    And you might be right about most users wanting independent rules, so I’ll see if this can be implemented soon. However, as I’d seen more sidebar plugins with this basic feature, I thought it could be nice to add more complexity, so this plugin would stand out. Also, sometimes rules have to be dependent of each other, e.g. for multilingual content.

    I appriciate your feedback.

    Hi Joachim,

    Is there any chance that the independence option will be rolled out any time soon?

    We are starting to rely more and more on this great plugin and need one sidebar (career as mentioned earlier) to appear with a wide variety of content (different taxonomies and different content types).

    The plugin truly adds value to our website and we would love the roll-out.

    Thank you,

    Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    Development has not yet begun, and unfortunately I cannot say anything about an eta. I have, however, thought about the solutions stated earlier in this thread, and while the “independence option” should be easier to implement, I am afraid that it would be too bad for performance. Technically, right now most “content aware logic” is done in SQL, and if each sidebar can have an independence option, much of this logic has to be moved/copied to PHP and done for every sidebar, which can lead to a bad (slow) running time in the algorithm.
    Therefore, I’m thinking more and more about the Rule Groups solution, that will be much more flexible but also much more advanced.

    It’s great to hear that you find the plugin usable, and obivously I would like you to keep using it. I suggest that you downgrade the plugin to the version that met your requirements, or I can send you a tweaked version of the current version, where the content dependence is removed

    Looking forward to any upgrades and will check next time whether Rule Groups are rolled out. For now: don’t worry, I’ve rolled back to the non-dependent version. Working like a charm. Thanks for all the efforts!

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