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  • The code being generated is:

    <p>[contact-form-7 id=”176″ title=”contact-form 1″]</p> which appears errant. Review the source code on the page

    The line of code is being made into encoded special characters, the shortcode will not be picked up this way: needs to be as I noted above in HTML view

    Some WYSIWYG editors cause this also….are you doing this from the Dashboard?

    Did you use an ASCII text editor to cut and paste the code? You also do not need the <p></p>

    Thread Starter webbiz12


    I just copied the code generated ctrl c and the ctr v into the html of the contact page. I think the theme must have added in the <p></p>

    This time i copied the code into notepad and then pasted it in but still the same problem.

    Look at the source code, here the code is encoded in the browser, your code is not as I see it on my site where I use CF7.

    Thread Starter webbiz12


    Sorry SwansonPhotos Im not very technical this is my first site I have made. I have just sent a email to theme makers hoping they may be able to help as well.
    I guess i could go into the editor and change it but im not sure what page to edit i would guess the index page.
    I could take out all the junk and paste the right code in then hopefully it will work.
    alos what is CF7 is it ctr then push the F7 key?

    Sorry, CF7 is Contact Form 7…

    in Admin>Settings>Reading, what is “Encoding for pages and feeds” set to?

    Thread Starter webbiz12



    Webbiz12, you mentioned I was right when I said that it looked like a theme-related issue, but you never did confirm whether the contact form displayed well on your site with the TwentyEleven theme.
    Also, did you check to see if your current theme comes with a contact form? Most premium themes do.
    If you can make it work with TwentyEleven and your theme does not come with a contact form, my suggestion would be to open a support ticket with the people/company who sold you the theme. CF7 is one of the most (if not the most) downloaded WP plugins, so any premium theme should be compatible with it.

    Edit: webbiz12, could you copy all the contents of your functions.php file, paste them on and share the link here? I would like to make sure there are no functions converting your special characters there.

    Thread Starter webbiz12


    I forgot to say it looked fine in Twentyseven sorry about that.
    The theme doesn’t have a contact form.
    I have been in touch with them and awaiting an answer.

    This is the link tothe Functions php.
    <script src=””></script&gt;

    Thanks Again for youe help.

    The link you shared is not correct. Try to copy the url from the address bar and paste it directly on your post.

    Edit: Nevermind, I deduced what the actual URL was.

    I noticed your page doesn’t have side widgets.

    I’ve used CF7 in a text widget, and it worked very well. I was also able to adjust the size of the fields to fit perfectly in the widget.

    Can you put a “contact us” field in a widget? Here is the site with the widget –


    Nope, there are no special character filters that I can see.
    What is strange, is that your shortcode is being escaped and your straight quotes are being changed into curly quotes. The shortcode will never work that way.
    Are you 100% positive that you are writing the shortcode in HTML mode? Just to be sure, try to disable the Visual Editor from your User profile.

    If that doesn’t fix the problem, try inserting this code in your functions.php file:

    //disable auto paragraphing
    remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop');
    //disable wptexturize
    remove_filter('the_content', 'wptexturize');

    Thread Starter webbiz12


    Thread Starter webbiz12


    definetly in “html”
    where exactly do i paste that code into the function.php file?
    might try the widget method maybe that will work.

    You can paste it at the end, before the closing PHP code tag (?>).
    The widget method might work.

    Thread Starter webbiz12


    Well tried the code as you said and that didnt work so widget here we come. But go to go to bed feeling very tired thanks for your help.

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