• Resolved wheeleran


    hi. divi have just released an update which enables full editing of the single product page with the divi builder. their new Woo Tabs module is limited to the default woo tabs, and the Yikes custom tabs are not showing. could you have a look at this please?

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  • any update on this one guys? any news from Divi developers?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by eliasc64.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by eliasc64.

    I received an email from the Divi developers that they would be supporting Custom Tabs in an upcoming release. I’m not sure what the timeline for release is however.

    Sorry I don’t have more info!

    Thread Starter wheeleran


    hi @fmixell. we’re at divi 4.0.6 and there is still no sign of it. can you lean on them a bit? they’ve broken a fundamental, important element of our product pages, and “upcoming release” isn’t nearly specific enough or urgent enough. i don’t think they truly appreciate what they’ve done, but you do; we use custom product tabs for really important information. what are we supposed to do? just WAIT?

    Following this thread as I need this fixed before launching a new client site design that depends heavily on custom product tabs. I guess for now I’ll edit the tabs.php file.

    You can see the Divi changelog here:

    Doesn’t looks like they’ve made the Custom Tabs support fix yet.

    Following this thread, I tried to edit

    as a workaround untill Divi fixes this issue.
    However, file content differs, there is no code block mentioned previously.
    Any other Advice?

    Elegant themes is not responding on their forums…

    Editing Woocommerce product data tabs also doesn’t work on Divi (https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/editing-product-data-tabs/)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by herbyltd.

    @herbyltd it’s the tabs.php file in the Divi plugin or theme you are looking for:


    Comment out this section of code:

    // Skip if current tab is not included, based on include_tabs attribute value.
    if ( $active_tabs && ! in_array( $name, $active_tabs, true ) ) {

    Then all the tabs will load for you.

    Great news!

    I’ve created a Divi Child theme that can be used with Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce.

    Download Link: https://github.com/yikesinc/divi-child-custom-tabs/archive/0.1.0.zip

    – Activate theme.
    – Go to product with tabs.
    – Delete Divi Tabs module
    – Create a new text or code module.
    – Add [custom_product_tabs] to the module.
    – Now look at the frontend of your website.

    This will still need to be styled but its a start and gives control of the tabs back.


    If you’d like to customize further, its not a huge amount of code and is found in the child themes functions.php file.

    Happy coding!

    – Freddie


    Just to be proactive I’m going to post to show you how to customize this as well.

    You’ll notice that we’re just spitting out paragraphs with the tab title and content. You can add css classes to this directly to match your style.

     $html = '';
        if ( ! empty( $tabs ) ) {
            // Loop through the tabs and display each one
            foreach( $tabs as $tab ) {
                $html .= '<p>' . $tab['title'] . '</p>';
                $html .= '<p>' . $tab['content'] . '</p>';
    	// Make sure to return your content, do not echo it.
    	return $html;

    Example with custom css classes: (Notice I used double quotes, you have to do this or you’ll need to escape the quotes. If you don’t know what that means just use double quotes.)

     $html = '';
        if ( ! empty( $tabs ) ) {
            // Loop through the tabs and display each one
            foreach( $tabs as $tab ) {
                $html .= '<p class="your-css-style">' . $tab['title'] . '</p>';
                $html .= '<p class="your-css-style">' . $tab['content'] . '</p>';
    	// Make sure to return your content, do not echo it.
    	return $html;

    With a custom wrapper element:

     $html = '<div style="your-custom-wrapper">';
        if ( ! empty( $tabs ) ) {
            // Loop through the tabs and display each one
            foreach( $tabs as $tab ) {
                $html .= '<p class="your-css-style">' . $tab['title'] . '</p>';
                $html .= '<p class="your-css-style">' . $tab['content'] . '</p>';
      $html .= '</div>';
    	// Make sure to return your content, do not echo it.
    	return $html;
    Thread Starter wheeleran


    I heard back from a developer, or he was a support lead, this morning. It’s now in the “QA pipeline” and is “coming very soon.” yeah.

    Big thanks to @fmixell and @contemplate for the workaround. @herbyltd: the forums are now only community run, and are not monitored, so open a chat thread directly. Yes it’s got all sorts of problems and terrible wait times, but that’s the only way to get to them.

    This issue is related to other third party plugins that hook into single-product, too. I’ve got the same problem with brands plugins, for instance, and I’m bugging divi about all of them.

    Will post as soon as I hear something, but really appreciate @fmixell following and engaging with this so proactively; this is not his problem.

    Thread Starter wheeleran


    another update: “QA” stands for Quality Assurance, which means the issue has been fixed and is in the pipeline for testing before it’s released. and no they won’t say when that is.


    No problem! I know what it’s like to need a site done on a deadline so hopefully someone out there gets some use out of this thread.

    Also, anyone that can’t wait for these changes I’ve created a better version of that child theme that has the tabs styled and working.

    Once the new version of Divi comes out and the tab module works you’d simply deactivate this child theme after you put the new Tab module in place from Divi.


    -Download this zip
    – Upload as theme
    – Activate as main theme
    – Divi will still work as usual but now you’ll have a [custom_product_tabs] shortcode to use
    – Hide or delete the Divi tab module (on each product page)
    – Create a text or code row 100% width
    – add the shortcode listed above

    Now you’ll have your Custom Tabs at least while you wait.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Freddie. Reason: Adding clarification on where the tabs are located

    Hi All,
    I do not know much, but I do try a lot of things, and after having the same problem everyone else is with this divi woo module issue. I think (unless I missed something) that I have found a have your cake and eat it too hybrid solution to it.
    I loaded up the child theme Freddie very helpfully made.
    I then went into wootabs module, then to advanced/CSS/Main Element and pasted in the short code Freddie mentions [custom_product_tabs] ignoring the “expected RBrace” msg and saved. Viewed on the front end and WAMMO I had both the yikes tab and the one remaining woocommerce tab I wanted shown. So I had both kinds of tab running within the woo tab module! Stoked.
    As an added bonus, the divi woo module tab colors customization worked for both tabs too.
    BTW Freddie, your work got me buying pro lol
    Hopefully the screenshot has loaded below…I almost never post in these forums, so fingers crossed.

    resulting in…

    Hope this helps some folks as much as Freddies work helped me. ??

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by sugilite.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by sugilite.

    Update and Warning
    I did the above on Divi 4.2.2
    Today I noticed that there was a divi update (ver 4.3.1) and I updated, whereupon the yikes tabs stopped working again. Rolling back the theme did not restore the tabs either.
    I ended up having to roll back to an pre upgrade snapshot on my AWS server.
    So if you want the above to work, you must have version 4.2.2. – Hardly ideal I know.
    It is almost like Divi are actively not wanting third party tabs to work.
    (I did remove Freddies code to see if they had fixed it, but alas, no.)

    This hack still works for version 4.3.1.

    .. but it’s getting annoying to apply this patch everytime.

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