• I noticed a conflict between the Ultimate Product Catalog and the Essential Blocks (Gutenberg Blocks).
    As an example, I have included the accordion in a product page.
    If I go to the default product page, https://website.com/upcp_product/gaming-monitor/, it works fine.
    But if I call the product page via a created product catalog, https://website.com/gaming/?singleproduct=34, the Essential Blocks do not work. Reason for this is that the required scripts are not added on the “singleproduct” page. For example, the accordion mentioned “”, this is missing on the “singleproduct” but is present on the “/upcp_product/gaming-monitor/” page.
    Is this a bug from the Ultimate Product Catalog plugin?

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  • Plugin Support jaysupport


    Hi isocke,

    It looks like you also contacted us via email and that we already have a thread going back and forth there, so it would be best to keep the conversation in one place.

    For reference/others:

    The built-in product pages has its own security in place and that could be why your Essential Blocks are not working. If you are seeing plain text of the shortcode/html, that would be due to the security.

    We have built the front end of the plugin using templates that you can modify in a non-destructive manner. If you are comfortable modifying code, you can see our tutorial for how to work with this here: https://doc.etoilewebdesign.com/plugins/ultimate-product-catalog/developer/.

    Thread Starter itsocke


    yes I have already received a message by mail, but I am not really enthusiastic.
    It is a huge disadvantage for this plugin that this confilct exists.
    You offer editing of individual articles via Gutenberg Blocks, but destroys the use of popular plugins like:

    • Spectra
    • Essential Blocks
    • Stackable – Gutenberg Blocks

    With this, you are breaking a lot of things for your customers, or forbidding your customers to use the mentioned plugins.
    I find this very unfortunate and now I have to think twice about recommending the premium version of your plugin to my customers.
    With kind regards

    Plugin Support jaysupport


    I’m not sure what you mean. You implied that the only thing affected is the product page. How does that forbid you from using any of the other plugins. Is there an effect on those plugins outside of the product page?…

    Thread Starter itsocke


    In the following image, I am on your product catalog under items. Here I have created the article Gaming Monitor and can customize the article/product page according to my wishes with various design elements. Which, however, as I said, then do not render in the display, because various js data are not loaded. This but only in the view when I reference via a category. If I go to the detail view of the article/product directly, it loads all js files and shows me everything correctly. Accordingly, you must have a security mechanism in the background, which blocks the loading of the js files, in the detail view which comes via the category referencing.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by itsocke.
    Plugin Support jaysupport


    I’m not sure why you keep replying the same thing in both the forum and by email. At best, you will receive the exact same reply in both. At worst, you will cause confusion and mess up your situation more.

    As we replied to you by email:

    As mentioned previously, the ‘direct’ URL you keep referring to (upcp_product) is a single post-page that is automatically created by WordPress for custom post types (products in this case). We do not make use of that. Our plugin makes use of its own custom-designed product pages that do indeed have their own security.

    If you want to use your own HTML within our custom-designed pages, you will need to make the template changes we already suggested to you. You can read more about how to create an array of allowed HTML tags and whitelist it in this documentation as well:


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