Unless I’ve missed it (and I’m not a plugin dev so I may have) I think WP has a bit of a gap there… at least from the “community” angle.
The codex page says:
The wp-hackers list is meant for people interested in extending WordPress either through plugins or improvements to the core code. Serious discussion that determines the future direction of the WordPress codebase takes place here.
Some would argue that the last sentence doesn’t mix well with the one preceding it. ??
In my lurking on the wp-hackers list I know it can sometimes be a bit tricky getting accepted over there (and posting that will probably get me flamed.).
But yeah, I’d honestly try the hackers list first. If nothing else, some alpha-type will point you to a good codex article or off-site resource. And there sure are some really bright folks reading and posting there regularly. Some of the folks who visit here regularly are also plugin devs, so you can certainly ask stuff here and hope someone sees it.
Hmm.. I wandered all over the place in that response, didn’t I?