Hi McDonna,
Here’s the patched version of Verve:
I’ve erroneously changed the version number to v.1.2.7 even though the last official update is 1.2.6. Previously I was calling it 1.2.6h, to differentiate it from the official, but I kept getting the message “there is a new version of Verve” when there wasn’t.
So think of it as 1.2.6 with Hiroki’s patch, renamed 1.2.7.
I do still use Verve because I don’t like to change plug-ins with sites that are already live. Truth be told, I’ve never actually tested if moving files in CMS page tree view works with this. The developer told me it does. I’m sure it does. But I’ve been in the habit of not-reordering for so long, I’m OK with leaving them out of order.
Once I discovered the problem, I warned all my co-developers under threat of death: DON”T REORDER ITEMS IN CMS PAGE TREE VIEW. As long as everyone followed the rule, we were good. But just in case, I still wanted the plug-in fixed.
Hope it works for you, good luck! Kato