[Plugin: Classy wp_list_pages] Does not work with WPMU 2.8
We’ve been using this plug-in for a while. But we’ve just recently found out that this plug-in does not work with WPMU. When you try to update it goes to an error page that says: “Error! Options page not found.”
So I reworked the code to work w/ WP & WPMU to follow the 2.8 method of registering options, based off this article: https://planetozh.com/blog/2009/05/handling-plugins-options-in-wordpress-28-with-register_setting/
This has no legacy support cause I was to lazy to write a few if statements. Just replace these lines with the new content:
line 32 – 37
add_action('admin_init', 'classy_wp_list_pages_init' ); function classy_wp_list_pages_init() { global $c_wp_lp_options; if( function_exists( 'register_setting' ) ) { foreach ( $c_wp_lp_options as $k => $v ) { register_setting( 'classy-wp-list-pages' , $k ); } } }
line 194 – 196 (the stuff after the form tag)
<?php settings_fields('classy-wp-list-pages'); ?>
that’s it. hope this helps other people as this is a very useful plug-in.
the whole thing looks like:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Classy wp_list_pages Plugin URI: https://code.dunae.ca/classy_wp_list_pages Description: Adds a uniqe class or ID attribute to each LI tag generated by wp_list_pages() allowing them to be individually styled with CSS. Author: Alex Dunae Version: 1.3.1 Author URI: https://dunae.ca/ */ /************************************** Hooks and configuration ***************************************/ /*add_filter('page_css_class', 'abcde', 10, 2); function abcde ($css_class, $page) { var_dump($css_class); var_dump($page); die; }*/ add_filter('wp_list_pages','c_wp_lp_filter'); add_action('admin_menu', 'c_wp_lp_add_menus'); $c_wp_lp_options = array('c_wp_lp_prefix' => 'Class prefix', 'c_wp_lp_sep' => 'Class separator', 'c_wp_lp_attr' => 'Attribute', 'c_wp_lp_first_class' => 'Class to add to first element', 'c_wp_lp_last_class' => 'Class to add to last element'); // for WordPress 2.7 and MU add_action('admin_init', 'classy_wp_list_pages_init' ); function classy_wp_list_pages_init() { global $c_wp_lp_options; if( function_exists( 'register_setting' ) ) { foreach ( $c_wp_lp_options as $k => $v ) { register_setting( 'classy-wp-list-pages' , $k ); } } } $c_wp_lp_values = array(); /************************************** wp_list_pages() filter ***************************************/ function c_wp_lp_filter_callback($matches) { global $c_wp_lp_values; $prefix = (strlen($c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_prefix'])) > 0 ? $c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_prefix'] . $c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_sep'] : ''; // build the identifier // - strip trailing and preceding slashes // - replace the remaining slashes with the separator (from get_options()) $identifier = ''; if( $matches[4] && !empty($matches[4]) ) { $identifier = preg_replace('/(^\/|\/$)/', '', $matches[4]); $identifier = str_replace('/', $c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_sep'], $identifier); } else { // if the url is blank, this is the homepage $identifier = 'frontpage'; } $identifier = $prefix . $identifier; $filtered = ''; if( $c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_attr'] == 'id' ) { $filtered = sprintf("<li id=\"%s\"%s><a href=\"%s\"", $identifier, $matches[1], get_option('home') . '/' . $matches[4]); } else { // append any existing classes and trim out extra spaces $class = $identifier . ' ' . trim($matches[2]); $class = preg_replace('/[ ]+/', ' ', $class); $filtered = sprintf("<li class=\"%s\"><a href=\"%s\"", $class, get_option('home') . '/' . $matches[4]); } return $filtered; } function c_wp_lp_filter($content) { global $c_wp_lp_values; // load plugin options from the database $c_wp_lp_values = c_wp_lp_get_values(); // escape the blog's base URL $url = preg_replace(array('/\//', '/\./', '/\-/'), array('\/', '\.', '\-'), get_option('home')); $pattern = '/<li( class=\"([\w\s_\-]+)\")?><a href=\"' . $url . '(\/([\w\-_\/]+))?"/i'; $content = preg_replace_callback($pattern, "c_wp_lp_filter_callback", $content); // add class to first list item if ( !empty($c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_first_class']) ) { $content = preg_replace('/(<ul>|^)[\s]*<li([\s]*id=("[\w_-]+"|\'[\w_-]+\')[\s]*)? class="/i', "$1<li$2 class=\"" . $c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_first_class'] . ' ', $content, -1); } // add class to last list item; reverses and tokenizes the string if ( !empty($c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_last_class']) ) { $rev_class = strrev($c_wp_lp_values['c_wp_lp_last_class']); // add spaces between tags and reverse $content = strrev( preg_replace( '/><(\/?(ul|li))/i', '> <$1', $content ) ); $out = ''; $list_depth = 0; $t = strtok( $content, " \n\t" ); while ($t !== false) { if ( $list_depth > 0) { // detected <code>page_item</code> class in the first LI before the UL if ( $t == 'meti_egap' ) { $t .= " $rev_class"; $list_depth -= 1; } } // increase depth after encountering a closing UL if ( strcasecmp( $t, '>lu/<' ) == 0 ) { $list_depth += 1; $t .= "\n"; } $out .= $t . ' '; $t = strtok( " \n\t" ); } $out = str_replace( '<li', "\n<li", strrev( $out ) ); $content = $out; } return $content; } /************************************** Menu functions ***************************************/ function c_wp_lp_add_menus() { add_options_page('Classy wp_list_pages Options', 'Classy wp_list_pages', 8, 'c_wp_lp_options', 'c_wp_lp_options_page'); } // read this plugin's options from the database function c_wp_lp_get_values() { global $c_wp_lp_options; $opt_values = array(); foreach( $c_wp_lp_options as $k => $v ) $opt_values[$k] = get_option($k); // default value for separator is an underscore if(strlen(trim($opt_values['c_wp_lp_sep'])) < 1) $opt_values['c_wp_lp_sep'] = '_'; // default value for attribute is ID if(strlen(trim($opt_values['c_wp_lp_attr'])) < 1) $opt_values['c_wp_lp_attr'] = 'id'; return $opt_values; } function c_wp_lp_options_page() { global $c_wp_lp_options; echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo "<h2>" . __( 'Classy wp_list_pages Options', 'c_wp_lp_trans_domain' ) . "</h2>"; // options form ?> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php settings_fields('classy-wp-list-pages'); ?> <p>Should the identifier be applied to the class or ID attribute?<br /><br /> <?php _e("Attribute:", 'c_wp_lp_trans_domain' ); ?> <select name="c_wp_lp_attr"> <option value="id"<?php echo get_option('c_wp_lp_attr') == 'id' ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?>>ID</option> <option value="class"<?php echo get_option('c_wp_lp_attr') == 'class' ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?>>Class</option> </select> </p><hr /> <p>An optional string appended to the beginning of the generated identifier (letters and numbers only).<br /><br /> <?php _e("Prefix:", 'c_wp_lp_trans_domain' ); ?> <input type="text" name="c_wp_lp_prefix" value="<?php echo get_option('c_wp_lp_prefix'); ?>" size="5"> </p><hr /> <p>What character should separate each token in the identifier?<br /><br /> <?php _e("Token separator:", 'c_wp_lp_trans_domain' ); ?> <select name="c_wp_lp_sep"> <option value="-"<?php echo $opt_values['c_wp_lp_sep'] == '-' ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?>>Dash (-)</option> <option value="_"<?php echo $opt_values['c_wp_lp_sep'] == '_' ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; ?>>Underscore (_)</option> </select> </p><hr /> <p> <?php _e("Class to add to the first list item:", 'c_wp_lp_trans_domain' ); ?> <input type="text" name="c_wp_lp_first_class" value="<?php echo get_option('c_wp_lp_first_class'); ?>" size="25"> </p><hr /> <p> <?php _e("Class to add to the last list item:", 'c_wp_lp_trans_domain' ); ?> <input type="text" name="c_wp_lp_last_class" value="<?php echo get_option('c_wp_lp_last_class'); ?>" size="25"> </p><hr /> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<?php _e('Update Options ?', 'c_wp_lp_trans_domain' ) ?>" /> </p> </form> </div> <?php } ?>
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