This plugin primarily modifies the Template Hierarchy, which is the system wordpress uses to determine which template to use whenever a page is being rendered.
To use it, it just needs to be on and you simply need to have a template in your theme named ‘child-of-category.php’ or any other variation as it is explained in the plugin’s readme file.
Its identical to how WordPress already works, so if you have questions about what the Template Hierarchy I recommend you take a look a the Codex page for it – it gives a fuller explanation than I.
This plugin also adds a few conditional functions that help determine if a category is a child or parent of another. These a simply php functions and can be used like any other PHP function as long as the plugin is turned on.
Unfortunately there really is not much that I could put in a step-by-step tutorial because it all depends on which part of the modified hierarchy you want to use – thats why generally speaking its intended as a development tool for theme developers.
Hope this helps.
If your looking for something that will give a user interface that allows admins to pick a proper WordPress ‘Page’ to represent a category, thats not what this plugin does – this plugin functions on the template level only.